Navigate to My Content >> Web Page Builder >> Click "Edit" for the existing page OR click New Web Page button to create a new web page:
Page Options
Within the web page, the following options will be available in the sidebar:
Page Details
This section allows users to control key attributes of a page and update its accessibility or structure.
Internal Nickname
This is an internal reference name for the page. It will not be visible to users on the front end but helps with organization and searchability.
Page Type
Select the type of page you are creating. Learn more about page types here: What Page Types Can I Use?
Protect This Page?
Enable this setting to restrict access to members only. This requires the Members-Only add-on.
Page Options
Customize the layout, visibility, and structure of the page using the following options.
Show Sidebar
Choose which sidebar to display on the page.
Sidebar Position
Set whether the sidebar appears on the left or right side of the page.
Display Settings
Customize the page appearance with these options:
- Full Screen Page Width: Expands the content to fill the entire width of the browser window, removing any margins.
- Hide Banner Ads: Removes any banner advertisements that would normally display on the page.
- Hide Header: Hides the entire header section of the website on this specific page.
- Hide Footer: Prevents the footer from appearing at the bottom of the page.
- Hide Top Header Menu: Removes the top navigation menu from the page.
- Full-Width Page: Ensures that the page content spans the entire available width, often used for landing pages.
- Hide Main Menu: Hides the main navigation menu typically displayed at the top of the site.
- Enable Click-Enlarge Images: Allows users to click images to view a larger version in a pop-up.
Advanced Options
- NoIndex, NoFollow: If the page is "Members Only," this setting is enabled by default, preventing search engines from indexing the page. More details: Members-Only Pages.
- Disable Default CSS Stylesheets: Prevents the page from inheriting default CSS styles. Learn more: How to Override and Edit Default CSS Stylesheets.
Disable Screenshot Preview
Prevents a screenshot preview of the page from appearing in the Web Page Builder.
Enable breadcrumb navigation to improve user experience. Learn more here: Common Breadcrumb Variables.
Pre-Made Elements
Click HERE to learn more.