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Using CSS to Target Membership plans

Using CSS to Target Membership plans
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 19, 2025


Previously to edit the look of member search results for a particular membership plan required  complicated PHP in specific areas of code was required.

Now we've made it easier to control by including a class to the <body> element that will be used:

  • <div class="level_#"> (the # is to be replaced with the membership ID)

In the example below Company A is in membership plan ID 6

With this class it will be easier to hide or change simple elements like menu items, buttons, links, images using CSS in the Design Settings rather than having to go into specific sections of the code and use PHP every time.

Example Using the CSS Method

Target the element or area that will be modified. In this example, the Background Color of the members in the membership plan 6:

After applying the CSS, only the members from membership plan 6 will show with a different background color:

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