The contact form is intended for website users to contact the website administrator directly. Users can access this form through the following link:
Where Do Messages Send Via This Form Go?
Access contact form submissions by navigating to Emails >> Form Inquiries:
Email Notifications
Website Administrator
To turn on the notifications for the Contact Form, you can add the emails that you want to get notified in the Email Notifications for this form.
Once the emails have been added in the emaillnotifications for the Contact Us form, the website administrator will receive the following email template the moment the contact details form is completed:
This is how the email will look like in the admin email inbox:
Form Submitter
The person that submits this form will also get an email:
Default Form Layout
The layout can be edited under Content >> Web Page Builder:
How To Reply
The best way to reply to inquiries that are submitted via the contact details form is to go to Emails >> Form Inbox in the admin:
From here, reply directly via the admin.
** Please note that any further back and forth emails will not be recorded here and rather in the administrator email account.
It is also possible to add notes:
And to "Archive" or "Delete" the inquiry under Actions:
This can be done in bulk as well if needed: