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Stripe or PayPal Express/Standard?

Stripe or PayPal Express/Standard? Recommended Payment Gateway:
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 17, 2025



PayPal Express/Standard is an off-site payment gateway and Stripe is an on-site payment gateway.

Here are the main differences between them:

Using PayPal Express/Standard as a payment gateway will mean the website will likely collect fewer subscription payments.

With PayPal Free, every time a member's subscription comes due, they will have to log in to their account on the website, navigate to the Billing area, click on a link to PayPal, log in to their PayPal account, and then pay for their subscription payment inside PayPal.

If a member wishes to purchase a lead, they will have to go through the same process of logging in to their account on the site, choosing the purchase the lead, navigating to PayPal, logging into their PayPal account, and then paying there before being able to access the lead details.

This can be very difficult and time-consuming for members, and many will likely choose to simply stop paying for their subscription for just this reason.

Among the many advantages that Stripe has over PayPal, the biggest advantage is that members will never have to leave the website in order to pay.  As soon as they sign up for a subscription, their credit card will be billed automatically every time their subscription is due, and they never have to go through all of the steps outlined above in order to pay for their subscription.

Stripe costs the same as the free version of PayPal

Best of all, Stripe costs exactly the same as PayPal Free - no monthly fee, and the exact same per-transaction fee.

We are not affiliated with Stripe in any way, but in our experience with thousands of users that have connected the different payment gateways that we have available, Stripe has proven to be the easiest to set up and use, most reliable, and provides the best experience for the members of the site.

Please see the video below for a complete walk-through of setting up our recommended payment gateway,, as the payment gateway on the  site in just a few easy steps: Setting Up Stripe

For more information about all of our currently supported payment gateways, please see this article: Supported Payment Gateways

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