This article outlines the steps to roll an API key in a Stripe account. Rolling a key involves replacing the current API key with a new one to enhance security. The process includes generating a new key in the Stripe Dashboard, updating the application with the new key, and deactivating the old key once functionality is confirmed. This practice safeguards the account from unauthorized access.
Let's begin by logging into the Stripe account first. Look for the "Developers" view on the top-right corner and click on the API keys tab. Then, follow the steps above:
Step 1: Click on the three dots next to the key and click Roll Key
Step 2: Select the time to roll the key
We recommend selecting "now" if you are not using the previous API key in another application.
Step 3: Enter the 6-digit verification code sent
Stripe will send the user a one-time verification code to the 2 authentication phone number saved on file.
Step 4: Stripe will display the new API Key
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This API Key must be copied from Stripe into the Brilliant Directories Admin >> Payment Settings or to a safe place. Stripe, for security purposes, will only display this key once. If failed to save the key as suggested, the same steps need to be repeated.