The Setup Wizard is a tool that will take the admin step by step in completing the most basic setup for the new website. To find this tool :
- Go to the Admin Dashboard
- Look for the Start Here section
- Click on the button that says "BEGIN SETUP WIZARD":
Setup Wizard Steps:
The first screen introduces the Setup Wizard, click on Get Started to continue:
1. Name Your Website:
Add the Website Name. This casn be edited later on if needed in "Website Name" field in the Settings » General Settings Tab.
This screen also allows the admin to choose a staging, or "vanity" URL for the website. It is possible to add a custom domain once the Setup Wizard is completed. To add a custom domain follow the instructions on this article.
2. Define a Target Market:
Add the type market that will be targetted by the website. This can be edited in the "Industry Name" field in the Settings » General Settings Tab.
Specify the type of member, this refers to the profession name of the users that will be joining. This can also be edited lated on in the "Profession Name" field in the Settings » General Settings Tab.
3. Select a Theme:
Choose the look and feel of the site.
A "Theme" is essentially the colors that you set, the main search module, and the primary homepage image or slider. These are the three primary areas in design settings you'll want to edit to see which theme is best for the site.
This is meant to provide a head start with the design, look, and navigation of the site. All themes have the same features, and they're all fully customizable and also this can be changed later on in the Design Settings.
4. Localization Settings:
- Primary Country: Select the country that the system will fall back on or will be recommended to users for their locations:
- Website Language: This setting controls the language used for 3 different pieces of functionality in our platform.
The Google Location AutoSuggestions.
NOTE: Recaptcha and Google Maps have their own lists of supported languages, if the default language selected for the site is not supported on their end, the language for that tool will default to English.
- Website Time Zone: The system will suggest the time zones depending on the "Primary Country" selected above.
This setting will set the time for:
The Time in the admin panel, which is important for the website activity tracker to keep track of all changes at the right time.
This will also set the website time, so any post that expires on a certain date and time will make sure that it expires based on the right time zone.
NOTE: The time zone may need to be adjusted for Daylight Savings Time (make sure the timezone matches the GMT time difference)
- Website Currency: Select the currency that members will be charged in.
However, to charge any of the members it's always important to set up a payment gateway.
If the desired currency doesn't appear in the drop-down please contact our support team.
All of these settings are also available for editing in the Settings » General Settings » Localization
5. Locations Formats:
- Date Format: Change the way the date is displayed throughout the website.
- Time Format: Select the format to display time values on the frontend of the website.
- Distance Format: There are two options for this setting; Miles or Kilometers.
This setting will make sure that when visitors search for the professionals on the website the correct distance measurement is displayed.
e.g: Say a visitor searches for location X on the site, and there are no members in location X, but there is one in Location Z.
Location Z is W miles/kilometers away from Location X. Based on this setting when the visitor does a search our system will display the member's distance from location X to Z in either Miles or Kilometers.
- Currency Format: Depending on the country, the order in which the currency symbol is displayed changes. Some countries use the symbol in front of the amount, some others use it after the amount, also the way in which the decimals are delimited can change depending on the format that is used in the country the site is located.
This setting controls the format in which the currency and amounts should display:
6. Invite Team Members:
If the admin has a team or some collaborators, like a developer or content creator that will also require access to the site's backend, then an invitation can be sent to them via email to get access to the backend. These team members will all be assigned a Full Access role. The admin role and permissions assigned to an admin can be edited later on in the Admin Role Permissions. The admin will also be able to add team members directly through the admin accounts section: Admin Accounts » Invite Admin +