Dashboard Setup Essentials - Required First Steps to Setup the Directory
After accessing the admin backend the first page that displays is the Dashboard. Here we added a guide with the essential steps to get started with setting up the new directory. These boxes are linked to another part of the admin that needs to be set up on the site, these are the basic steps to be completed:
1. General Settings:
Set up the following information on this tab:
- Website or Company Name
- Website Phone Number
- Industry Name
- Profession Name
- Default Website Email
- Members Only Website Configuration
2. Design Elements:
To edit the Look and Feel of the site click on this section, which includes:
- Design Settings
- Home Page Layout
- Homepage Slideshow
- Pre-Made Color Sets
- Banner Ad Design
- Custom CSS / HEAD
Read the following article to access more information on what can be done in this section:
3. Connect Domain:
All new Brilliant Directories websites will be connected to a "Stagging URL", which is a temporary URL that can be used while the site is being built. One of the advantages of having a staging URL is that the site can be worked on without impacting the eventual domain. Some users prefer to wait until their website has all of the proper keywords and settings set to avoid having their websites indexed before it was ready.
Once the site is ready, follow the steps on how to connect the domain here:
Connecting a Domain with the Domain Manager
4. Payment Gateway:
By connecting the payment gateway, any money received will get deposited directly into the account linked to the payment gateway. There the country currency can be selected if that country is included on the list of countries serviced by the chosen payment gateway, and if the payment gateway supports that currency).
Below is a list of all of the currently supported payment gateways with links to more information about the countries and currencies supported by each. To get more info about one of them in specific please click on the name below:
Here is a guide on how to set up the Payments Gateway.
Setting Up the Payment Gateway
5. Spam Form Protection:
In order to have the public forms protected from SPAM a ReCAPTCHA key must be added o the site. As Google describes it, "reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects the website from spam and abuse. reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive CAPTCHAs to keep automated software from engaging in abusive activities on the site. It does this while letting the valid users pass through with ease." Read more about reCAPTCHAHERE.
NOTE: Before completing this step, a live domain name must be connected first. Please see:How To Move The Site To A Live Domain.
6. Google Maps:
In order to use the location search on the site, a Google Maps Javascript API Key needs to be created and added to the Admin area of the site. This will enable Google Maps to work on the site's domain name. Find a complete, step by step guide on how to set this up and get this awesome tool working!
NOTE: Before completing this step, FIRST connect the live domain name. Please see: How To Move The Site To A Live Domain.