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Settings » General Settings » Localization

Settings » General Settings » Localization Localization Settings Visual Guide of Localization and Currency Settings 1. Primary Country 2. Default Website Language 3. Time Format 4. Date Format 5. Website Time Zone 6. Hour of Day to Collect Recurring Payments 7. Display Website Timezone When Publishing a Post 8. Distance Format 9. Location Search Suggestions Currency 10.Currency Preview 11. Website Currency 12. Website Currency Number Format 13. Currency Prefix 14. Currency Suffix
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 20, 2025


This article explains the Localization Tab inside the General Settings section and all the settings within this tab.

Localization Settings

Below is a full list of the settings available within the Localization Settings tab.

Visual Guide of Localization and Currency Settings

1. Primary Country

Select the country that the system will fall back on or will be recommended to users for their locations:

It may be necessary to check the country settings in the Finance section:

Finance » Payment Gateways » Additional Settings » Billing Address Countries 

2. Default Website Language

This setting controls the language used for 3 different pieces of functionality in our platform.

NOTE: Recaptcha and Google Maps have their own lists of supported languages, if the default language selected for the site is not supported on their end, the language for that tool will default to English.

List of Supported Languages for Automatic Website Translation

  • ar-AE (Arabic)
  • bn-BD (Bengali - Bangladesh)
  • de-DE (German)
  • en-US (English)
  • es-MX (Spanish)
  • fr-FR (French)
  • he-IL (Hebrew)
  • hi-IN (Hindi)
  • hr-HR (Croatian)
  • id-ID (Indonesian)
  • it-IT (Italian)
  • ja-JP (Japanese)
  • ko-KR (Korean)
  • ms-MY (Malay)
  • nl-BE (Dutch - Belgium)
  • nl-NL (Dutch)
  • pl-PL (Polish)
  • pt-BR (Portuguese - Brazilian)
  • pt-PT (Portuguese)
  • ro-RO (Romanian)
  • sv-SE (Swedish)
  • th-TH (Thai)
  • tl-PH (Filipino)
  • tr-TR (Turkish)
  • vi-VN (Vietnamese)
  • zh-CN (Chinese - Simplified)
  • zh-TW (Chinese - Traditional)

If the language selected is available in the Supported Languages for Automatic Website Translation list, and the Use same language for text labels and email templates option is checked, the system will automatically translate the text labels and the email templates to the selected language. To view the full list of supported languages, please check the available language options. If the selected language is listed, the site will display the corresponding text labels in that language.

Any place in front-end of the site that is using text labels will start displaying in that language, like shown below:

As the sections like header menu or main menu are not utilizing any text labels, their translation must be done via the Menu Manager.

The text direction for the site can be set using the Advanced Setting, "Text Direction":

System Variable: text_direction

Select "Right to Left" if the language of the website should be read from the right side of the page to the left.

3. Time Format

Select the format to display time values on the frontend of the website with this setting:

4. Date Format

Change the way the date is displayed throughout the website with this setting:

5. Website Time Zone

The system will suggest the time zones depending on the "Primary Country" selected above.

This setting will set the time for:

  • The Time in the admin panel, which is important for the website activity tracker to keep track of all changes at the right time.
  • This will also set the website time, so any post that expires on a certain date and time will make sure that it expires based on the right time zone.

NOTE: The time zone may need to be adjusted for Daylight Savings Time (make sure the timezone matches the GMT time difference)

6. Hour of Day to Collect Recurring Payments

Select the time to collect the recurrent payments. Billing processes will be scheduled within one hour of the selected time. This setting is synced with the selected website timezone.

7. Display Website Timezone When Publishing a Post

This setting will turn On or Off the field displaying the website's timezone, underneath the date and time pickers on the forms that have these fields:

8. Distance Format

There are two options for this setting; Miles or Kilometers.

This setting will make sure that when visitors search for the professionals on the website the correct distance measurement is displayed.

e.g: Say a visitor searches for location X  on the site, and there are no members in location X, but there is one in Location Z.

Location Z is W miles/kilometers away from Location X. Based on this setting when the visitor does a search our system will display the member's distance from location X to Z in either Miles or Kilometers.

9. Location Search Suggestions

These settings go hand in hand, however, if "Only Search Primary Country?" is set to "No",  the "Primary Country" setting doesn't really have a purpose.:

The "Primary Country" setting basically tells the system what country the website is targeted to.

The "Only Search Primary Country?" setting, when set to "yes" will instruct all the location modules on the site to only prompt autosuggestions for locations in that country.

If this is set to yes, we would also recommend following these instructions to localize the search:

How To Localize Searches

Note: The system will use the primary country of the site as the "region" when getting the info if the location from Google maps.


10.Currency Preview

Get a preview of the settings that have been picked for the website currency:

11. Website Currency

Select the currency that members will be charged in.

However, to charge any of the members it's always important to set up a payment gateway:

Setting Up A Payment Gateway

If the desired currency doesn't appear in the drop-down please contact our support team.

12. Website Currency Number Format

In some countries the order in which the currency symbol is displayed changes, some countries use the symbol in front of the amount, some others use it after the amount, also the way in which the decimals are delimited can change depending on the format that is used in the country the site is located.

This setting controls the format in which the currency and amounts should be displayed:

13. Currency Prefix

If the format of the website currency should display before the amount use the currency prefix.

e.g: [AU$]1,234.5

14. Currency Suffix

If instead, the currency symbol should display after the amount use the Currency Suffix.

e.g: 1,234.56[AU$]

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