Using the API there are 5 Post Type actions that can be achieved:
- GET - /api/v2/data_categories/get/{data_id}
- POST - /api/v2/data_categories/create
- POST - /api/v2/data_categories/custom_fields
- PUT - /api/v2/data_categories/update
- DELETE - /api/v2/data_categories/delete
We will break down these actions and explain how to achieve an end results with each one. The examples shown in this article are completed using
For all actions, add the API Key to the Headers:
1. GET - /api/v2/data_categories/get/{data_id}
Read the data of a single Post Type based on the Data ID.
- Choose GET as the method
- Replace the {{api_url}} for the website url
- Replace the {id} with the actual post type ID
Using this action is simple, add the url above but replace {id} with the actual post type ID. This will fetch the post types information from the website.
2. POST - /api/v2/data_categories/create
Add a Post Type to the database.
- Choose POST as the method
- In the Body select x-www-form-urlencoded
- Enter data
3. POST - /api/v2/data_categories/custom_fields
Get all fields available for the Post Type.
- Choose POST as the method.
- In the Body select x-www-form-urlencoded
- Then add the data_id of the Post Type
4. PUT - /api/v2/data_categories/update
Update a Post Type record and their related data from the database.
- Choose PUT as the method
- In the Body select x-www-form-urlencoded
- Then add the new data for the Post Type
5. DELETE - /api/v2/data_categories/delete
Use this action URL to delete a Post Type, replace {id} with the Post Type ID that will be removed from the website.
- Choose DELETE as the method
- Replace the {id} with the data_id that will be deleted
- In the Params add the data_id to delete