With the Pin Featured Posts add-on it is possible to hand-select specific posts to display permanently at the top of the search result pages – effectively creating a “sticky” or “pinned” post.
All posts types (articles, classifieds, events, etc.) can be pinned by the website admin. This is a great upsell and advertising feature to help generate more revenue for the website.
How To Get This Add-On
- Websites with the VIP Add-Ons Club automatically have this add-on available:
Join The VIP Add-Ons Club - Purchase Individually: Pin Featured Posts Add-On
Configuration Steps
To set a post as a featured post, navigate to My Content - Manage Posts and select Set As Featured Post option for the preferred post
The admin can also assign a Featured End Date from the same section. Clicking on it will display a calendar that the admin can pick an end date:
When the end date reached, selected post will no longer be featured. The admin can also delete the end if needed:
About Pin Featured Posts:
The admin can set as many posts as they want as "Featured Post". But it will only display the allotted amount of posts per page that is set within the settings:
This Add-On will only work for the Feature Search Results pages and it will respect the current "Order Results By" setting for displaying them once set as "Featured Posts":