Paid Membership Plans
If the person enters incorrect credit card information when filling out the paid signup form, the payment will be rejected by the payment gateway and an error message will be shown with the response from the payment gateway:
The visitor will then have the opportunity to update their credit card information and try to fill the form again.
In the past, the system created the member and it was marked as past due. However, now, the member's account will not be created until the payment is completed.
Admin Notifications
The system will track the failed signups in the Activity Tracker.
1. Find these and other billing-related log entries navigating to Dashboard >> Activity Tracker.
2. Then go to the filter section.
3. Filter the results by "Finance".
4. The category of these messages will be "Failed Transaction".
5. The description will show the signup details like the name on card, email, membership plan, billing cycle, and address.
6. At the bottom will appear the "Failed Signup Reason". This is the most important part of the message because it will show the exact reason why the payment failed.
The system will also send an email notification of the failed signup to the Default Website Email:
The system will only send these email notifications when there was a failed paid signup attempt. If they tried to signup for a free membership, then no notification will be sent.
Our recommendation is to reach out by email if the member was not able to sign up successfully. This will give the admin an opportunity to offer assistance and help them with the signup process.
NOTE: The system is not going to take into consideration blocked words added into the "Block Spam Keyword" add-on. This add-on only works in free membership plan forms.
Free Membership Plans
There are different reasons why a free member cannot signup on the website.
For example, if they enter a word previously added in the "Block Spam Keywords":
The system won't allow the member to create an account because it will process it as spam:
The error will be displayed under Dashboard >> Activity Tracker.
In this case, the error was a spam word, so the exact word will be displayed in the description:
There are other errors that can cause an account to not be created. So we will recommend looking at the "Failed Signup Reason", it will explain the exact cause of the issue.
For more information about the signup process from the member's perspective, please see this article: Member Signups from the Member's Perspective.