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How To Setup A Third Party Email Application To Access The Email Accounts

How To Setup A Third Party Email Application To Access The Email Accounts
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 18, 2025


To setup a 3rd party email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, Macmail, Gmail, etc) to access the account, please follow these steps to find out the proper settings to use:

  1. Navigate to Emails >> Email Accounts:
  2. Click on the "Add/Edit Email Addresses" button:
  3. Locate the email address to connect with the 3rd party email application and click on "Connected Devices":
  4. Here are all of the tutorials on how to setup specific email applications, use the protocol that applies to the email applications and there will also be "Manual Settings" information to setup an email application that is not listed in the tutorials:

7. Once this setup has been completed for the Application that will be used, emails can be controlled within that app.

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