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How To Send Emails Through A Gmail Account

How To Send Emails Through A Gmail Account
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 19, 2025


In order to setup Gmail to send email from these accounts, please follow these instructions:

  1. On the Gmail account click the gear in the top right .
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click the Accounts and Import tab.
  4. Under Send mail as, click Add another email address.
  5. In the 'Email address' field, enter the name and alternate email addresses needed.
  6. Enter the SMTP server (e.g., username on that domain, and the password for the account. The port setting or SSL setting might need to be updated (talk to the ISP if this information is needed).
  7. Click Add account >>
  8. Open your other account and either click the link in the message Gmail sent or enter the confirmation code in the Accounts and Import section of your Gmail settings.

If unable to view Gmail's verification email, try checking the Spam or Bulk Mail folders for a message from

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