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How to Manually Edit the URL / Filename of Posts

How to Manually Edit the URL / Filename of Posts
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 17, 2025


A new option was added to the "Actions" dropdown for each post in the Manage Posts page called "Customize Post URL".

How to Customize the URL -

  1. Click on "Customize URL":
  2. A popup will appear which will allow the admin to pick between:
    Use Default Post URL - URL updates based on the post's title
    Custom URL - Set a custom static URL for this Post

  3. If using the Default Post URL, the system will not allow the URL to be changed:
  4. If using Custom URL, the admin can enter in the new custom URL for the post. The system will validate the URL to make it is unique and not already being used by other posts, members, locations, web pages, or categories.
    It will also check to make sure it does not start with http, a domain, or a /.

    If the URL is invalid, the system will display the error "Invalid URL" and not allow the changes to be saved:

    The new URL will start displaying immediately and the system will create the necessary 301 redirects for any changes made.

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