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How to link a PDF to a Static Page

How to link a PDF to a Static Page
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 17, 2025


Follow the steps on this article to learn how to add a PDF to a page.

1. Before linking the file to a static page, the file needs to be uploaded to the Media Manager. To learn more, please check this article: How to Upload a File

2. Create or access the page that was meant for this purpose. Click HERE to learn how to create a static page.

3. Navigate to My Content - Web Page Builder.

4. Search the page and click on Edit :

5. Once on the page, the PDF file can be linked to text, an image or both. Check the information below for more  details:

Highlight the text area and Click on Insert Link.

Add the path to the PDF file, it is just the relative part of the URL like this: /images/pdf.pdf

Click on the image, and follow the same steps.

6. Click on Save Web Page:

Lastly, Click on View Page:

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