To import a category structure via CSV file (useful for quickly importing large category structures), please follow the steps below for creating the file.
This can be used to import up to 3 levels of categories: Top Level Categories, Sub Level Categories, and Sub-Sub Level Categories (for a total of three tiers).
Step 1: Create The Category Structure in a CSV file
- Download the Category Structure Import Template (attached at the bottom of the article).
- Open up the file and expand the width of the columns so all of the text can be seen in each one.
- Column A will have all of the Top-Level Categories
Column B will have all of the Sub Categories (optional)
Column C will have all of the Sub-Sub Categories (optional)
4. Fill out the spreadsheet with the categories by replacing the placeholders in the template.
Step 2: Import The Category Structure
Navigate to Members >> Member Categories select Import Categories:
The button will lead to a new page where it is possible to import the file:
- Use this setting to delete all of the existing categories on the site.
- Upload the file here.
Find the Category Import template attached to this article.
IMPORTANT NOTE: By default, all members can be listed in 1 Top Level / Main Category and multiple Sub Categories. However, there is a workaround : Workaround: Members Selecting Multiple Top-Level Categories