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How to Edit Email Templates

How to Edit Email Templates
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 18, 2025


Login to the Admin area of the site and navigate to Emails - Email Templates:

Locate the email template to edit either by scrolling through the list or by searching for keywords in the email template in the “Search Emails by Keyword” field:

Filter the default email templates by; Category, Customer Service, Lead Emails, or System Emails:

Filter by Category has all the email templates with a total of 63:

Customer Service has a total of 18 templates:

Lead Emails have a total of 21 templates:

System or Automated emails have a total of 24 templates:

Once the template has been identified, click on the “Customize” button for the email template:

Make the desired edits and click on the “Save Template” button to save the changes:

Add all of the desired text, images, and links using the WYSIWYG editor.

Additional Information:

» Everything About WYSIWYG Editors

» How to Post Images On WYSIWYG Editors

To make further edits to this template that has already been copied to the website, follow steps 1 and 2 above, locate the template in the “Customized Email Templates” section of the page, and click on the “Edit” button in the “Actions” drop-down for this email template:

A modal will pop up when viewing the Preview of the template:

Please note that when cloning an email template to the site, the system will add the "copy-of-" to the title of the template. This will happen automatically if the name of the default email template is not changed. This is a way to avoid conflicts with duplicate email templates.

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