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How To Display Cities Instead Of States In The "/locations" Page

How To Display Cities Instead Of States In The "/locations" Page
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 20, 2025

How To Display Cities Instead Of States In The "/locations" Page


By default on the "locations" page, the system will display a list of countries and their respective cities, that currently have members. This allows for an easy way to search through the locations on the directory.

Some locations around the globe would want to change this setup, by replacing the Country for the Cities. It's important to note that this denomination is used by Google and its API.

To make this change effective, navigate to Settings >> Advanced Settings and search:

Countries To Display Cities Instead Of States

System Variable: display_cities_instead_states

In the field add a comma-separated list of Country Codes that should link to a list of cities in the country instead of states/provinces on the /locations page of the site.
Click Here to see the list of country codes.

Example: GB,SG,AU

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