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How To Create A Landing Page For The Get Matched Form

How To Create A Landing Page For The Get Matched Form
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 17, 2025


Follow the instructions below to learn how to create a landing page for the get matched form that looks like this:

1. Create a new static page. Click on this article for more information >> How to Create a New Static Page

2. Add a single row using the table option in the Froala Editor. Add background color and text as desired:

3. Add a 1 x 2 table to the static page:

4. Add an image on the left side row and enable the "Image Caption" option to add the desired text:

5. On the right side next to the image, drag and drop the pre-made element Contact Form

6. Change the title and form shortcode to [form=bootstrap_get_match]:

7. Save the changes:

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