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How To Add Categories Manually From The Admin

How To Add Categories Manually From The Admin
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 17, 2025


In this article, we will be showing on how to add Top, Sub and Sub-Sub Level categories manually via the admin.

If the preference is to import categories via CSV file, please refer to the article down below:

How To Import A Top-Level & Sub-Level Category Structure Via CSV File

** For information about all of the fields within the Member Categories refer to this article: How To Add & Edit Member Categories 

How To Add Top-Level Categories

To add a top-level category, navigate to the Members --> Member Categories --> Click on the "Add Top-Level Categories" button:

A module will appear, add the Top level categories in the text area:

As the text above and the banner indicates, only enter one category per line:

Click on the "Save Top-Level Categories" button and the new top-level categories will be created on the fly.

How To Add Sub and Sub-Sub Level Categories

To add a sub or sub-sub level category, navigate to Members --> Member Categories --> Click on the "Add Sub-Level Categories" button:

The "Add Sub-Level Categories" screen will pop up. It is important to specify a parent element when adding a Sub-Level Category:

As the text above indicates, only put one category per line.

W|hen adding a Sub-Sub Level Category - specify a sub parent element as highlighted down below:

The "Add Sub-Sub Level Categories" screen will pop up. It is important to specify a parent element when adding a Sub-Sub Level Category:

As the text above indicates, only put one category per line.

Deleting a Top or Sub Level Category:

Deleting Top or Sub Level categories can have unforeseen consequences if the Top-Level category has Sub Level categories associated with it, or if members have already selected this Top-Level category on their profile. The same would apply to Sub Level categories that are being deleted.

To avoid these potential issues, our team has implemented a fail-safe which will check for these potential circumstances and will alert the admin.

  • If The Top or Sub Level category has members under it, it will prompt to move those members to a different category.
  • If The Top Level category has sub-level categories under it, it will prompt to move those Sub Level categories to a different Top-Level category.
  • If The Top Level category has both members and subcategories, it should prompt to move both the members and subcategories to a different Top-Level category.
  • In the event that the category being removed is a Sub Sub Level category, the system will allow the option to move this category under a new parent Sub-level category.

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