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How Do I Cancel Payment Subscriptions - Orders

How Do I Cancel Payment Subscriptions - Orders Transaction History Member's area under "Subscriptions" Member's area under "Transactions"
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 17, 2025


There are 3 ways to cancel the member's subscriptions:

1. Transaction History

2. Member's area under Subscriptions

3. Member's area under Transactions

Transaction History

1. Go to the admin and navigate to Finance >> Transaction History.

There is a menu with the Payments Received, Upcoming Payments, Past Due, Refunded, and Cancelled (See red square in the image below):

2. At the top there is an option to search by member name or ID:

3. After the member has been found please go to the right side and click in Actions >> End Subscription.

This will stop all unpaid invoices from that specific subscription.

Member's area under "Subscriptions" 

Subscriptions can be also stopped from the Member's section, please follow the steps below:

1. Go to My Members >> Search Members >> Search for the member >> Click on Actions >> Payment History:

2. Go to the Subscriptions tab and click on Actions >> End Subscription:

Member's area under "Transactions"

Subscriptions can also be stopped from the Member's section. Since the last update, now this option will also stop the subscription and the unpaid invoices if they were created by the system 13 days before the due date.

1. Go to My Members >> Search Members >> Search for the member >> Click on Actions >> Payment History:

2. Click on Actions >> End Subscription:

Follow the same steps if a payment needs to be refunded, click on Actions >> Refund Payment:

Read this article to learn how to create a new order (subscription): How To Manually Bill A Member / Create A Subscription For A Member.

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