- Table *list_professions* is the table that contains all the information related the main categories
- Table *users_data* column *profession_id* this is the column that store the main category *ID* for the user
- Table *list_services* is the table that contains all the information related the subcategories
Important columns to understand from this table:
- *service_id=* The id of the services or sublevel
- *profession_id=* Is the id of *(main_category)* he belongs to. We are gonna call him *grandPa*
- *master_id=* Is the parent he belongs to this is for sub-sub categories
*Code* will have a profession_id = 5 on table list_profession
Now you create 2 subcategories on table list_services
*PHP* will have a *service_id = 10* and will have a *profession_id = 5* because he belongs to *CODE* and a master = 0 (the 0 means he is a subcategory).We are gonna call him *Father*
*CakePHP* will have a *profession_id = 5* because he belongs to *CODE* and a master = 10 (the 10 means he is a sub-sub category and his father is PHP).We are gonna call him *SON*
Code will be grandPa
PHP will be Father
CakePHP will be son
Table *rel_service* is the one the connect a subcategory with a member the important columns are *user_id* and *service_id*