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Guide 6. How to Add and Edit Member Categories

Add and Edit Member Categories
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 17, 2025


Member Categories Module Overview:

An essential part of your directory's search experience is the ability to filter results by categories. Below we will provide an overview of this module. 

Search by Keyword:

The first option on this page is a category keyword search option to make it easier to find a specific category. 

Member Category Actions:

To the right of this module you will find an option to import/export categories. 

For a complete guide on how to import categories, please refer to the following article. 

Sort Options

Within both tabs, it is possible to sort the categories when viewing them in the admin dashboard.

Top Level Categories

Directly below the categories are separated into two tabs. The first tab is the Top level categories. 

Starting from left to right, please find a description of each element on this module. 


  1. The action button will allow you to see the live page for this category in the front end as well as deleting the category from your website. 
  2. This number represents the amount of member's who are listed under the category.
  3. The category name is the text reflected on the website. This value can have spaces, capital letters and special characters. 
  4. The URL link will be the permalink given for this category. This will be generated automatically and can be edited. Keep in mind that you cannot include spaces, capital letters or special characters. 
  5. The order will determine the category's position in the Top Category streaming widget. 
  6. The category ID will be generated numerically and will represent the category in the database in number form. 
  7. The option to upload an image is for the Top Category Streaming widget. You can refer to this article for further guidance.
  8. The option to add additional keywords that are related to this category for searches. 

Sub Level Categories

  1. The action button will allow you to see the live page for this category in the front end as well as deleting the category from your website. 
  2. This number represents the amount of member's who are listed under the category.
  3. The category name is the text reflected on the website. This value can have spaces, capital letters and special characters. 
  4. The URL link will be the permalink given for this category. This will be generated automatically and can be edited. Keep in mind that you cannot include spaces, capital letters or special characters. 
  5. The category ID will be generated numerically and will represent the category in the database in number form.
  6. The parent Top Category will display in this section. If this is a sub-subcategory another line will display the parent subcategory.
  7. The category ID will be generated numerically and will represent the category in the database in number form. 
  8. The option to upload an image is for the Sub Category Streaming widget. Refer to this article for further guidance.
  9. The option to add additional keywords that are related to this category for searches.

Important Note on Editing Existing Categories

Once categories are created, they cannot be directly converted from a top-level category to a subcategory (or vice versa), and sub and sub-subcategories cannot be assigned to a different parent category within the admin panel.

These type of changes are still possible while there are no members assigned to the categories yet. follow these steps:

  1. Export your category list as a CSV file from the Member Category Actions menu.
  2. Edit the structure in a spreadsheet.
  3. Reimport the modified file into the system.

If members are already assigned to categories, this process requires additional database adjustments using SQL queries to ensure proper member-category relationships.

For more details, refer to this guide:
How Categories and Subcategories are Related to a Member’s Profile in MySQL

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