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Finance » Transaction History - Step by step

Finance » Transaction History - Step by step Transactions Search Filter Options List Actions Dropdown Send Bulk Email Dropdown 1. Payments Received Important Settings in this tab: 2. Upcoming Payments: Important Settings in this tab: 3. Past Due: Important Settings in this tab: 4. Refunded: Important Settings in this tab: 5. Stopped: Important Settings in this tab:
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 17, 2025


The Transaction History page gives the Admin an overview of the billing history and expected payments of all members of the site.

This article covers all of the functionality found on this page. This page can be found by navigating to Finance >> Transaction History in the Admin area of a site.

At the top right is the "Income Reports" button, which has 3 options:

  • Daily Income Report
  • Monthly Income Report
  • Recurring Income Estimator

Note: These reports are an estimate and exact totals may slightly differ based on the timestamp and timezone defined by the payment gateway. This report is generated in the time chosen in the General Settings >> Location Tab >> Hour of Day to Collect Recurring Payments. Here's an article with more information about this: Settings » General Settings » Localization  

These reports cannot be downloaded. However, the tables can be selected and copied, then the information can be pasted into an Excel sheet.  

The Transaction History page is divided into 5 Tabs:

  1. Payments Received
  2. Upcoming Payments
  3. Past Due
  4. Refunded
  5. Stopped

Above these tabs, there is an area to search for all Transactions / Invoices of the site.

Transactions Search Filter Options

  1. Member name or ID#
  2. Member email address
  3. Product Name (for example; name of the membership plan or digital product purchased)
  4. Membership plan name
  5. Billing cycles

    When searching by Billing Cycles, the admin can select more than one option here:

    Within the Billing Cycles drop-down there is also an option to sort by three subscription statuses:

    • Any - This will display the invoices for members that have active and ended (cancelled) subscriptions.
    • Only Active - This will display the invoices for members that have an active subscription.
    • Only Ended - This will display the invoices for members that have an ended (cancelled) subscription
  6.  Member Account Status
  7. Invoice Status
  8. Invoice ID#
  9. Subscription ID#
  10. Coupon Code name
  11. Invoice Date Range
  12. Sales rep name
    **Important Note: The Sales Rep Name option will only display if the settings are enabled. Here's an article with more details about How to Activate Sales Representative Tracking For Your Members
  13. Sort by Newest or Oldest option
  14. Option Show or Hide Billing Emails Sent

It is important to know that we added the ability to Add Notes in all types of invoices (Received, Upcoming, Past Due, Refunded, Stopped).

There is an option to add a note if one of the admins of the site tried to contact him/her. This is really important to track billing efficiently.

Also keep in mind that if the member purchased a Lead, the "View Details" button won't appear. It will only be displayed when it's a subscription.

If the Vip Add-ons were installed on the site and a member paid per post, the payment information will appear in the payments received section as "Purchased Limit For: Name of the Post Type". In the screenshot below the member paid for a Classified.

If a member used a Coupon Code during the sign-up process, the code used in this transaction will display as a clickable link:

List Actions Dropdown

Under this dropdown, it is possible to export the currently selected results by clicking on Export Current Results. Clicking on this will display a pop-up, click Yes, Continue and the file will be exported:

The following variables will be exported with this tool:

Member's activity status (active), company name (company), credit value (credit), Date Paid (datepaid), email address (email), First Name (first_name), Invoice ID# (invoice_id), Link of the invoice (invoice_link), Invoice Status (invoice_status), Last Name (last_name), Notes (notes), Phone Number (phone_number), Product Name (product_name),Subscription Created Date (subscription_created_date), Subscription ID# (subscription_id), Subscription Name (subscription_name), Sub Total (subtotal), Total (total), User ID# (user_id).

Important Note: For this action to appear, the Export Member Data add-on has to be enabled on the site.

It is also possible to create a Smart List of the currently selected results by clicking on Create Smart List from Results. Clicking on this will display a pop-up where the name of the smart list can be specified:

The smart list will be created after clicking on Yes, Continue. It will be possible to view the smart list on the fly by clicking on Go To <name of the smart list> Smart List option:

Send Bulk Email Dropdown

This dropdown will only display under Payments Received, Upcoming Payments, and Past Due tabs under the Transaction History section.

Using this dropdown, multiple member results can be selected and a default-related email will be send out to the selected members depending on which tab the user is utilizing this tool on.

For example, in the example above, 20 members were selected under the Payments Received tab and after clicking on Yes, continue! button, all these members will receive the invoice_payment_received email template.

Under the Upcoming Payments tab, selected members will receive the invoice_reminder_notice_first template email template, and under the Past Due tab, the members can receive any of the Past Due emails the admin prefer:

1. Payments Received

Every time that the website collects a payment from a member, it will appear in this section. Also above the name of the tab, there is the total amount of payments received.

The Payments Received tab and the "Finance Snapshot" (Dashboard section) of the site will always reflect the same total.  This total includes the invoices for all purchasable services; leads, pay-per-post posts, digital downloads, membership plan subscriptions, etc.

The Invoice ID and Status, Date Paid, Member's Name, Product (Membership Level) and Amount Paid are all visible here for all payments that have been collected.  There is also a button in the far-right column called "Actions" that gives the Admin several management options for the invoice.

In the Payments Received tab (along with all other tabs on this page), hovering the mouse over the member's name will display information about the member along with several links to take actions on the member:

Account Details: Links to the member's Account Details page, which contains an overview of information about the specific member.

Quick Edit: Edit several attributes of the member without logging into their account.

Send Email:  Send an email to the member. Use an existing email template or send a custom email.

Change Password: Assign a new password for the member.

View Live Profile: View the live profile of the member as seen by visitors to the website.

Login as Member: Login to the member's Dashboard as if they logged in to their account.

Payment History: See the complete billing history of this member.

Delete Account: Delete the member's account completely.

Important Settings in this tab: 

The Actions button (far-right column) contains several options related to the related invoice.

Send Email Notification: Click on this button to send an email notification to the member. Clicking on this button will display the Compose Email pop-up and the system will automatically use the invoice_payment_received email template when clicking on this button under the Payments Received tab:

Refund Payment: Click on this button to refund the payment to the member and label the invoice as Refunded.

Mark as Unpaid: Mark this invoice as Unpaid. This is useful if the member disputes the charge with their bank or the payment is refunded directly through the payment gateway and not through the website. This enables an Admin to track this billing event in the Admin in those cases it could not be tracked automatically. Changing the status of an invoice in this way will move the invoice to the appropriate tab (Upcoming Payments or Past Due, depending on when the invoice was originally due).

Download Invoice: Download a copy of this invoice in PDF format. Members can also download PDF copies of invoices through their Member Dashboard in the Billing History section.

End Subscription: Use this button to stop (Cancel) the subscription related to this invoice, and do not collect any future payments related to this subscription. If there are unpaid invoices related to the Subscription, the system will cancel those invoices as well.
*Note: The End Subscription button will only appear when the invoice has an active subscription associated with it.

Delete This Invoice: Delete the invoice completely from the system.  This is permanent and cannot be undone.

Delete Subscription:  Delete the subscription completely from the system.  This will not delete any invoices related to the subscription, but will delete the subscription itself from the system and will not collect any new invoices related to the subscription.  This is permanent and cannot be undone.  It is better to choose End Subscription in most cases unless there is a specific need to delete the subscription from the system entirely.

2. Upcoming Payments: 

Here will appear all payments scheduled to process within the next 14 days. This way it's easier to track who needs to pay soon and contact the member if necessary. Also above the name of the tab, will appear the total amount of upcoming payments.

In this specific section, the "Due Date" column will show the dates in ASC instead of the DESC order.

There will appear the Invoice ID and Status, Date Paid, Member's Name, Product (Membership Level), and Amount Paid. On the right side, there is an option called "Actions".

Important Settings in this tab:

Send Email Notification: Click on this button to send an email notification to the member. Clicking on this button will display the Compose Email pop-up and the system will automatically use the invoice_reminder_notice_first template when clicking on this button under the Upcoming Payments tab.
Mark as Paid: ThisNEW option allows marking this specific member as Paid. This is used for members who pay directly by bank deposit or with other payment methods that are not the default payment gateway. This way there is a record on the site. It allows changing the status of the payment from Unpaid to Paid, if this button is used, the system will move this payment to the Payments Received tab.

Download Invoice: The administrators can download the invoice for this specific payment. Keep in mind that in the member's dashboard, he can download invoices as well.

Stop This Payment: As this payment is going to be taken in the next 14 days, it can be stopped if needed. Using this option, the subscription (order) is not going to be cancelled, it will only cancel this specific payment.

End Subscription: Use this button to stop (Cancel) the subscription related to that specific payment. If there are unpaid invoices the system will cancel them as well.

*Remember that the system will create the unpaid invoice 13 days before the next past due. Also, the End Subscription button will only appear when the invoice has an active subscription associated with it.

Delete This Invoice: It will delete the invoice from the admin and member's account.

Delete Subscription:  This one deletes the subscription from the admin and member's account.

3. Past Due: 

In this tab will appear all payments that couldn't be taken by the system. They will appear until the next day they are past due.

For example: If the due date is the 29th and the system couldn't take the payment that day, it will appear in this section until the 30th.

Also, past-due payments can be collected manually or add a new credit card on file. Above the name of the tab, there is the total amount of past-due payments.

Here can be found the Invoice ID and Status, Date Paid, Member's Name, Product (Membership Level), and Amount Paid. On the right side, there is an option called "Actions".

The billing system currently attempts to process each payment only once. If the initial attempt is unsuccessful, manual follow-up is necessary to collect the payment.

There is a button at the top right that will attempt all selected invoices. It can be done by following the steps below:

Important Settings in this tab:

Send Email Notification: Click on this button to send an email notification to the member. Clicking on this button will display the Compose Email pop-up and the system will automatically use the invoice_overdue_notice_first template when clicking on this button under the Upcoming Payments tab.
Collect Payment: Payment can be collected manually. If clicking on it and a credit card pop-up appears, it means that there is an issue with that specific card and the member needs to update it. If the payment is taken successfully means that there are no issues with that card, but the money couldn't be taken because the bank declined the transaction in the first attempt, insufficient funds, etc.

NOTE: If the website is using Stripe, please use the SSL certificate of the admin (use this link)  or the credit card pop-up will not allow adding the new credit card information, the fields are going to be hidden. If the site is using any other payment gateway, both versions of the admin can be used, it won't make any difference. ONLY use the secure version for Billing-related changes, the Development Team is still working on some updates, so probably other sections are not going to work as expected with this version.

Also, keep in mind that the administrators log in as the member and update the credit card information from there as well.

Mark as Paid: This NEW option allows marking this specific member as Paid. This is used for members who pay directly by bank deposit or with other payment methods that are not the default payment gateway. This way, there is a record on the site. It allows changing the status of the payment from Unpaid to Paid, using this button the system will move this payment to the Payments Received tab. on

Download Invoice: Download a copy of this invoice in PDF format. Members can also download PDF copies of invoices through their Member Dashboard in the Billing History section.

Stop This Payment: As this payment is going to be taken in the next 14 days, it can be stopped if needed. Using this option, the subscription (order) is not going to be cancelled, it will only cancel this specific payment.

Delete This Invoice: It will delete the invoice from the admin and member's account.

Delete Subscription:  This one deletes the subscription from the admin and member's account.

If the status of a member is "Active" but it needs to be changed manually to "Past Due", the system will show this error:

Keep in mind that by default, the Status cannot be changed from Active to Past Due if there isn't at least one past-due invoice for the member.

To override this setting and manually update each member's account status, the advanced setting "Suspend Past Due Member Accounts When They Log In" needs to be set to OFF.

4. Refunded: 

In this section will appear the successful payments that were refunded. Also above the name of the tab will appear the total amount of payments refunded.

Here will appear the Invoice ID and Status, Date Paid, Member's Name, Product (Membership Level), and Amount Paid. On the right side, there is an option called "Actions".

Important Settings in this tab:

Send Email Notification: Click on this button to send an email notification to the member. Clicking on this button will display the Compose Email pop-up and the system will automatically use the invoice_refund_confirmation  template.

Mark as Paid: This NEW option allows marking this specific member as Paid. This is used for members who pay directly by bank deposit or with other payment methods that are not the default payment gateway. This way, there is a record in the site. It allows changing the status of the payment from Unpaid to Paid, using this button the system will move this payment to the Payments Received tab. on

Download Invoice: Download a copy of this invoice in PDF format. Members can also download PDF copies of invoices through their Member Dashboard in the Billing History section.

Delete This Invoice: It will delete the invoice from the admin and member's account.

Delete Subscription:  This one deletes the subscription from the admin and member's account.

5. Stopped: 

Here will appear those payments that were scheduled to process but then stopped and cancelled. Also above the name of the tab will appear the total amount of stopped payments.

Here will appear the Invoice ID and Status, Date Paid, Member's Name, Product (Membership Level), and Amount Paid. On the right side, there is an option called "Actions".

Important Settings in this tab:

Mark as Paid: This NEW option allows marking this specific member as Paid. This is used for members who pay directly by bank deposit or with other payment methods that is not the default payment gateway. This way, there is a record on the site. It allows changing the status of the payment from Unpaid to Paid, using this button the system will move this payment to the Payments Received tab. on

Download Invoice: Download a copy of this invoice in PDF format. Members can also download PDF copies of invoices through their Member Dashboard in the Billing History section.

End Subscription: Use this button to stop (Cancel) the subscription related to that specific payment. If there are unpaid invoices the system will cancel them as well.

*Remember that the system will create the unpaid invoice 13 days before the next past due. Also, the End Subscription button will only appear when the invoice has an active subscription associated with it.

Delete This Invoice: It will delete the invoice from the admin and member's account.

Delete Subscription:  This one deletes the subscription from the admin and member's account.

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