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Facebook Website Chat

Facebook Website Chat Overview Enabling the Add-On Whitelist Domain Results
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 19, 2025


This add-on has been deprecated, Facebook has discontinued this functionality. 

For more information please refer to Facebook:


Don’t watch potential customers leave the website because they couldn’t find the information they needed. Instead, provide the visitors with convenient answers using live chat support.

Integrate Facebook Messenger directly into the website. Allow your visitors to interact with the business anytime with the same personalized experience they’re familiar with in Messenger.

How To Get This Add-On
  1. Websites with the VIP Add-Ons Club automatically have this add-on available: Join The VIP Add-Ons Club
  2. Purchase Individually: Facebook Website Chat Add-On

Enabling the Add-On

  1. Go to: General Settings » Integrations » Facebook Messenger:

  2. Add in the Page ID and choose the chat functionality:

    The admin will be able to choose between disabling it or activating and having it display only on desktop/mobile or to show it for both options.
  3. You can find the Page ID inside the "About" section of the page:

Whitelist Domain

  1. Go to: Manage Page » Settings:
  2. Inside the Settings click on "Advanced Messaging":
  3. Inside Advanced Messaging go to "Whitelisted Domains":
  4. When Whitelisting a domain it is important to include "https:// or http://" after adding the domain, click on "Save":


After the following three things have been completed:

  1. Add-On Enabled
  2. Page ID Added
  3. Domain Whitelisted

The chat module will appear on the site:

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