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Export Member Data

Export Member Data Overview Using the Add-On Exporting Form Inquiries Exporting Member Posts
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 19, 2025



The data for the website’s members is conveniently stored and accessible within the website admin panel. Sometimes it’s necessary to export this data to be used for other purposes.

The Export Member Data add-on can quickly export specific member data (email addresses, phone numbers and more) into a .csv file that can downloaded and used with other applications.

How To Get This Add-On
  1. Websites with the VIP Add-Ons Club automatically have this add-on available:
    Join The VIP Add-Ons Club
  2. Purchase Individually: Export Member Data Add-On

Using the Add-On

This tool helps export members with ease. With this tool, one will be able to filter certain members and export the member's information. To use this simply follow these steps:

1. In the admin dashboard go to Members >> Search Members.

2. Filter the members if needed and click on this button to export the search results:

3. Select the fields to export or simply Select All Fields and click on Continue with Export:

On the next export, the previously selected fields will be remembered for future exports. These fields will be displayed in "SELECTED FIELDS":

**Important Note: If the Multi-Location Listing Add-On is active on the site, a field will become available for the admin to select and include them in the export file:

All service areas will be included in parenthesis and will be comma separated:

4. The download should start right away as a zip file:

If  unfamiliar with how to open a zip file, please follow these steps:

1. To unzip a single file or folder, open the zipped folder, then drag the file or folder from the zipped folder to a new location.
2. To unzip all the contents of the zipped folder, press and hold (or right-click) the folder, select Extract All, and then follow the instructions.

Exporting Form Inquiries

This add-on will also allow  to export inquiries received from  forms.

To export the inquiries, please go to Emails >> Form Inbox


The admin can export all inquiries by clicking the "Export Current Results" option:

It is also possible to apply filters, the button will export the results based on the filter selected.

For example, to export the inquiries received from the "Contact Form", use the "Filter by form" >> Contact Form and then click on "Export Inquiries":

A verification step will pop up to continue:

A zip file will be available to open the file downloaded:

Exporting Member Posts

With this Add-On it is also possible to export member posts.

1. Go to My Content >> Manage Post and use the available filters to search for the posts:

2. Hover over the List Actions button and click on Export List of Current Posts Results:

3. Select the fields to export or simply Select All Fields and click on Continue with Export:

On the next export, the previously selected fields will be remembered for future exports. These fields will be displayed in "SELECTED FIELDS":

4. A new pop up will show asking for confirmation, click on "Yes, Continue" for the download to begin:

5. A success pop-up will show:

6.  Choose the location to save the file:

7. Open the downloaded file:

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