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Emails » Newsletter Overview

Emails » Newsletter Overview How to Access This Tool Overview of the Layout ActionsThe banner of the status of the email campaign will be displayed. Campaign Name Total Size Delivered Failed Opened Clicked Exploring Additional Functionality Exporting a List
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 18, 2025


Welcome to our guide on using the email newsletter functionality in our software. Learn how to access and utilize this tool to engage with your audience effectively.

How to Access This Tool

This tool can be accessed under Emails >> Send Newsletter in the admin area:

Overview of the Layout

In this section, the Send Newsletter layout will be outlined and explained. This includes additional resources and details of the different actions, statuses of campaigns, and information that is displayed.


The banner of the status of the email campaign will be displayed.

In this section, five different banners can be displayed based on the status of the newsletter campaign.

  1. Sending: Actively sending out the newsletter.
  2. Admin Cancelled: The newsletter campaign has been cancelled by the admin.
  3. Scheduled: The newsletter campaign is scheduled to be sent at a future time.
  4. Draft: The newsletter campaign is in draft status.
  5. Sent: The newsletter campaign has been sent out.

Note: For campaigns with Scheduled and Draft statuses, an edit button will be available, allowing the campaign details to be edited.

The following options are available under the Actions dropdown. Please note that the options may vary depending on the status:

  1. View Details: View campaign details (except for "Draft" status)
  2. Create Clone: Clone the campaign
  3. Preview Email: Preview the selected email template
  4. Revert to Draft: Revert campaign to draft (only for "Scheduled" status)
  5. Delete Email: Delete the email campaign (except for "Sent" status)

Campaign Name

This section contains details such as the Campaign Name, Creation and Sending dates, and Campaign ID#.

Total Size

This section displays the total number of recipients, with duplicate, invalid, and unsubscribed emails excluded as qualifying recipients. Additionally, all recipients sharing the same domain as the website where this is being sent out are automatically removed.

Clicking on these values will display statistics related to this newsletter campaign:

User can navigate between statuses via the dropdown:

Can create a new smart list of these results:

And can further filter the results by smart lists and keyword search:


This section provides an overview of the total number of successfully delivered email newsletter campaigns. Clicking on the displayed value will reveal a list of recipients who received the campaign successfully.


This section indicates the total number of failed deliveries for the email newsletter campaign. Clicking on the value will provide a detailed list of recipients for whom the campaign delivery was unsuccessful.

Also, additional status filters will be available for this list:

Hard bounce: A hard bounce occurs when the recipient's mail server permanently rejects an email due to reasons like invalid email addresses or domain issues.

Soft bounce: A soft bounce happens when an email cannot be delivered temporarily, often due to reasons like a full mailbox or a temporary issue with the recipient's server.

Previously bounced: This refers to email addresses that have experienced either a hard or soft bounce in previous delivery attempts, indicating a history of delivery issues that should be monitored or addressed.


This section displays the total number of recipients who opened the email newsletter campaign. Clicking on the value will reveal a detailed list of recipients who opened the campaign.


This section indicates the total number of recipients who clicked on links within the email newsletter campaign. Clicking on the value will provide a detailed list of recipients who engaged with the campaign by clicking.

Exploring Additional Functionality

Some additional functionality is available within the email newsletter management system. Here, users can streamline their workflow and enhance their experience with features such as filtering options and convenient actions.

  1. Sort by Newest/Oldest: Users can easily organize the email newsletter campaigns based on the creation date.
  2. Sort by Status: This option enables users to filter campaigns by the campaign status, such as Draft, Scheduled, Sending, Sent or Cancelled.
  3. Sort by Date: Users can arrange campaigns chronologically, aiding in tracking and managing campaigns over time.
  4. Sort by Keyword: This feature facilitates searching for specific campaigns by keywords, streamlining navigation within the system.
  5. Refresh Table: Users can refresh the table, ensuring to have the most up-to-date information regarding the email newsletter campaigns.
  6. New Email Newsletter: This button allows users to initiate the process of creating a new email newsletter campaign directly from the interface. Detailed information about this process can be found in this documentation.

Exporting a List

If the Export Member Data Add-On is enabled, an option will be available to export data directly from the available lists:

  • Recipients
  • Delivered
  • Failed
  • Opened
  • Clicked

To do this, click on the "List Actions" drop-down menu and select "Export CSV Files":

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