This section collects messages sent to the website through the Contact Us form and the Newsletter Subscription forms on the front end of the website. It will display the number of unopened or pending messages:
The forms that collect these messages are:
An automated email will also be sent to the website's admin email once the Contact Us form has been filled out by a user of the site.
Forms Inbox - Admin Actions
Once inside the message, there are 4 available actions.
- View
- Reply
- Actions (Archive & Delete)
View Full Inquiry
Opens a modal with the information related to the message being viewed.
Reply to Inquiry
When clicked, it will open the Compose Email module and the system will use the "reply-contact-us" email template by default:
Here is the content of the reply-contact-us email template, which can be edited under Emails >> Email Templates if needed:
Delete Inquiry
Removes the message from the website.
Sends the inquiry to the "Archived" folder.
This fields is for reminders or useful information about this inquiry.
Toolbar Actions
The forms inquiries page includes a toolbar with different filtering options.
Bulk Actions
The Bulk Actions drop-down menu is used to Mark new messages that have already been archived, or to Delete messages that are no longer needed.
Filter By Form
Filter by form, allows a more organized background of the inquiries submitted. More than one form can be selected at a time, and a search can be conducted to locate specific forms by running a keyword search.
Display From Everyone
Filter by Members Only or Non-Members.
Filter By Status
Messages can be sorted by Any Status, New Inquiries, or Archived.
List Actions
This functionality allows for the creation of an emailing list from the search results generated on the page.
To learn more about how Smart Lists work, review the following article: Members » Smart Lists
Important Notes
- If the website has been set to the Staging Mode, How To Activate "Staging Mode" / "Coming Soon" Splash Page As The Homepage messages submitted using this form will also show up in the Forms Inbox section of the admin.