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Emails » Email Accounts

Emails » Email Accounts
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 18, 2025


Please follow the steps below to setup Email Accounts for the website:

1. Login to the admin of the site.

2. Navigate to Emails >> Email Accounts. Click on the "Add/Edit Email Addresses" button to login to the email manager in the site's cPanel account:

4. Then add the email and password to create the account.

We do not recommend to use because this generic emails are usually taken as Spam. It's better to use:

  • support@
  • admin@
  • contact@
  • & so forth

5. As soon as the email is created, it will appear under Email accounts. Here the admin has complete access to manage the email accounts:

For more information about all of the functionality available in the email manager that comes with cPanel, please see the complete cPanel Email Management Documentation.

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