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Edit The Min & Max Value of Price Sliders

Edit The Min & Max Value of Price Sliders
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 17, 2025


Some Post Types, like Properties, for example, have sliders in their search widgets that allow a user to select a range of values for the price.  By default, the price slider for Properties has a minimum value of $0 and a maximum value of $5,000,000 as shown here:

Users can click on these values and slide them to the left or right to change the range of values they are searching for.

For example, here is a search for a more specific range of values:

To change the default minimum and maximum values of this slider, follow these steps:

1. Login to the Admin area of the website and navigate to Content - Edit Post Settings:

2. Click on "Edit" for the Post Type you wish to edit.

In the "General Settings" tab, scroll down to the Additional Settings and look for the "Price Slider" fields:

  1. Enter the minimum value in the "Price Slider Min" field and the maximum value in the "Price Slider Max" field.  In this example, the minimum will be $50,000 and the maximum will be $1,000,000.  Note: Enter the values only, without commas, periods, currency symbols, or any other characters:

  2. Click on the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the screen.

To disable the Slider, look for "Enable Price Slider?":

Now, the search widget for this Post Type (which already had a price slider built in) will reflect the new minimum and maximum values:

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