A default checkout page URL would look like this:
The value "2" at the end of the URL comes from the membership plan ID#:
How To Edit Checkout URLs
The "checkout" portion of the URL can be changed by navigating to the Settings >> Advanced Settings and by conducting a search for "Default Checkout URL":
For this example, we changed the wording from checkout to checkout-pay:
It is also possible to change the portion of the URL that comes after this wording, which is "2" in this instance. To accomplish this, navigate to Finance >> Membership Plans and click Edit on preferred membership plan:
Then conduct a search for the setting "Member Signup Page URL":
For this example, we changed the value from "2" to "featured":
Important Rules About "Member Signup Page URL" Setting:
- If the setting is left blank, the system will assign the membership plan's ID# as the value.
- Letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes are accepted. EG: gold-plan
- Each membership plan's checkout URL has to be unique.
- A membership plan ID# can't be used as a URL on other checkout pages.