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Edit Checkout Pages: How To Display a Sidebar

Edit Checkout Pages: How To Display a Sidebar Overview Sidebar Example: More About Editing Sign Up Pages:
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 17, 2025

Edit Checkout Pages: How To Display a Sidebar



Adding sidebars on checkout pages helps visitors to learn more about the website and also to know why they should join.

There are some pre-made sidebars but we do not recommend using any of them in checkout pages because they contain links that will send them out of the checkout page and the idea is that when they are on the checkout page, they sign up and become free or paid members of the website.  
Below is a sidebar example we recommend. It includes text and images.

Sidebar Example:

Once the new sidebar has been added to the Sidebar Manager, it can be selected by going to Finance >> Membership Plans >> Edit >> Sign Ups & Upgrades >> Sign Up Page Sidebar:

Now, this new sidebar will be displayed on the checkout page of that specific membership plan.

The system allows adding one sidebar per product (Free, Premium, Featured, etc)

Important Note: If the Use Default Setting option is selected for the Sign Up Page Sidebar Position

Then the position specified under Design Settings for Checkout Pages Sidebar Alignment will be used:

More About Editing Sign Up Pages:

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