It's completely understandable why many website owners want to launch with all of the post types available to them out of the gate. There are many cool post types to choose from, such as coupons, videos, classifieds, articles, properties, photos, and more. It would seem only logical to make all of these post types available on the website for visitors to see from day one.
The only drawback to activating all post types prior to the launch of the website is that the admin will be painting itself into a corner by having to spend countless hours creating content for all of these post types.
It is better to choose one or two post types that have a ton of member content, which provides an excellent user experience, than to have 10 post types with just a few posts on each. When a visitor clicks on the "coupons" link, they should land on a results page with dozens, if not hundreds, of results. They should be able to search for coupons in San Francisco and get results. If the admin is not delivering this to the public, then the overall experience is poor.
The best practice is to select one or two post types that bring to the industry the most value and do a fantastic job creating content for these. If the site is a Real Estate site, then focus on adding hundreds of properties. This way, when selling the site to prospects, they will see the value of joining. Potential members don't want to join a site that is in "Beta mode".
So we recommend starting out on this amazing journey by picking one or two post types for the initial launch!