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Developer Hub » HTACCESS File

Developer Hub » HTACCESS File
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 19, 2025


An .htaccess (hypertext access) file is a directory-level configuration file supported by several web servers, used for configuration of site-access issues, such as URL redirection, URL shortening, Access-security control (for different web pages and files), and more.

We recommend using this tool only* when is completely necessary. We recommend requesting the assistance of an expert when updating this page.

When editing this page, we suggest saving the information on a .txt file so it can be added back later if necessary.

While this tool can be very useful, it is also very dangerous indeed.

Editing the HTACCESS File may render the website inoperable.

The only way to resolve damaging issues is to restore system defaults which will delete any customized settings.

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