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Design Settings » Homepage » Hero Title Text

Design Settings » Homepage » Hero Title Text Hero Title Text Visual Guide of the Hero Title Text 1. Font Family 2. Content Alignment 3. Content Area Width 4. Main Title Text (H1) 5. Color 6. Size 7. Align 8. Weight 9. Sub-Title Text (H2) 10. Color 11. Size 12. Align 13. Weight
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 20, 2025


Hero Title Text

These settings control the Hero Title or Main Title displayed on the homepage of the website.

To edit the Hero Title Text navigate to:

  • Settings
  • Design Settings
  • Homepage Tab

Visual Guide of the Hero Title Text

1. Font Family

This setting controls the Font Family for the entire Hero Message

2. Content Alignment

This setting controls the location of the message, the options are Left, Right and Center




3. Content Area Width

This setting controls the width used by the Hero Message on the homepage of the website.

4. Main Title Text (H1)

This is the field where to type the main title or H1 for the website.

5. Color

This setting controls the color of the main title or H1 for the website.

6. Size

This setting controls the size of the main title or H1 for the website.

7. Align

This setting controls the location of the main title or H1 for the website, the options are Left, Right and Center

8. Weight

This setting controls the weight of the main title or H1 for the website, the options are Light, Normal, Bold and Extra Bold


9. Sub-Title Text (H2)

This is the field where to type the sub heading or H2 for the website.


10. Color

This setting controls the color of the sub heading or H2 for the website.

11. Size

This setting controls the size of the sub heading or H2 for the website.

12. Align

This setting controls the location of the sub heading or H2 for the website, the options are Left, Right and Center

13. Weight

This setting controls the weight of the sub heading or H2 for the website, the options are Light, Normal, Bold and Extra Bold

To modify other text on the homepage go to: Settings >> Text Labels, for more information, please read the following article: Settings » Text Labels

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