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Common Breadcrumb Variables to be used on the Website

Common Breadcrumb Variables to be used on the Website
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 19, 2025


A breadcrumb is a navigational aid use on websites to show the user's location. On Brilliant Directories these are automatic generated on different sections of the software and can be edited if desired.

These are the most common variables and areas where breadcrumbs can be edited:

1. Static Web Pages

Navigate to My Content >> Web Page Builder >> Search the desired web page to add/edit the breadcrumbs and click on Edit:

Once on the page, move to the Page Options tab and add/edit the breadcrumbs:

Do not forget to save the changes.

Here is a list of some of the common variables that can be used to edit the web page breadcrumbs of static pages on the site:

1. %website_name%

2. %%Profession%

3. %website_url%

4. %industry%


Category Page

2. Member SEO Templates

To edit the breadcrumbs of members SEO templates, navigate to My Content >> SEO Templates >> Choose a SEO template and click on Edit:

Move to The Page Options Tab and edit them accordingly:

These are dynamic pages, once the details have been edited in one SEO template, the changes will be reflected on multiple search results pages as well. A good example would be editing the SEO of a top level category, this would affect the search result pages of all top level categories as well.

- Profile Page SEO templates from ID #100 to ID #103 : These are the pages that show  member profiles.

- Member search results #200’s IDs: Pages that will show based on a search by either category or/and location.

Here is a list of some of the common variables that can be used to edit the members SEO breadcrumbs of the dynamic pages of the site:

1. %country_name% – The name of the country that relates to this page

2. %city% OR %city_name% – The name of the city that relates to this page

3. %profession% – The name of the top level category that relates to this page

4. %full_name% – The full name of the member that relates to this page

5. %service_name% – The name of the sub level category that relates to this page

6. %company% – The name of the member’s company that relates to this page

7. %location% – The city and state associated with the listing

8. %industry% – The Industry variable entered on the Settings >> General Settings >> Industry tab


SEO Template ID #100:

SEO Template #216:

3. Post Types SEO Templates:

Navigate to My Content >> SEO Templates >> Choose one of the post SEO templates and click on Edit:

The changes will be reflected on either posts search results pages or post detail pages.

- Post Search Results SEO Templates #300 & 301: Pages that will show based on a search by post type.

For the post search results SEO breadcrumbs it's recommended to only use the %%Data_name%% variable:

- Post Details Page SEO Templates #302 &  #303: These are the pages that show the post details.

Here is a list of some of the common variables that can be used to edit the post details breadcrumbs:

1. %Data_filename~ut%

2. %%%Post_title%%%

3. %country_name%

4. %state_name%

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