With the Click-to-Call Member add-on, member phone numbers are converted into clickable links. Visitors can click the links to instantly call members from their computers and mobile phones.
Even better, if the website is also using the Profile Analytics add-on, each click-to-call is tracked so members can see how many visitors have called them directly from the website.
How To Get This Add-On
- Websites with the VIP Add-Ons Club automatically have this add-on available:
Join The VIP Add-Ons Club - Purchase Individually: Click-To-Call Members Add-On
Enabling the Add-On
Navigate to Finance - Membership Plans:
Click on "Edit" for the membership plan that needs to be activate it for:
Click on the "Profile Page" tab:
2. Scroll down to the Select Member Information to Display on Profiles and make sure that the ability to show the phone number is set to "Yes"; if this is set to "No" the phone numbers will not show at all.
3. Finish activating this by selecting "Yes" to Enable Click to Call.
4. Click on "Save Changes".
The profile will now show like this:
For the Search Results page, it will display as shown below: