At times, you may be required to change the membership level of an entire group of members. If this is the case, you'll want to follow these instructions.
Note: You can identify the subscription_id by going to Finance>Membership Plans in the Admin:
1. Go to Developers - MySQL Database:
2. Click on _directory:
3. Select Users_Data table:
3. Click on SQL:
4. Write this command: UPDATE `users_data` SET subscription_id = 3 WHERE subscription_id = 8
IMPORTANT: In this example, subscription_id = 3 is the membership level I would like all members that currently belong to subscription_id = 8 moved to. After completing this step, all members that used to have subscription_id = 8 will now have subscription_id = 3.
5. Click on "go"
6. You should receive a positive confirmation message such as this one: