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Changelog - September 2023

Changelog - September 2023
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 20, 2025

Changelog - September 2023


New Features: 

  • We added new Advanced Settings that allow an Admin to edit portions of URLs used in the Member Dashboard during the creation and editing of posts that were not previously editable.
  • We made the BD Help Bot available for all users in the Admin area.
  • We created a new Web Page called the "Unsubscribed Page" to make the newsletter unsubscribe page more customizable. We also created a new Advanced Setting called "Newsletter Unsubscribe Page URL" that allows Admins to edit the URL of this page.
  • We created a new Email Template Setting called "Include Unsubscribe Link". This setting allow Admins to exclude the Unsubscribe Link from specific email templates. By default the Unsubscribe Link is always included.  This setting will not impact emails sent via the "Send Newsletter" page in the Admin, as all bulk emails require it to be present.
  • We created a new Advanced Setting called "Insta-Load Search Results Button Behavior". This setting allows Admins to select how more search results are fetched with the "Load More Results" button. The values for the setting are: "Load More Results When Button is Clicked (default)", "Auto-Load More Result When Button is Visible on Screen After Scrolling" and "Auto-Load More Result When Button is Visible on Screen Just on Mobile.
  • We created a new Text Label for the "Send Message" button text when a member starts or replies to a chat message
  • We added the ability to send the data in a Smart List to a Webhook endpoint. We also added scheduling functionality to send the data automatically every day, week or month. To use this new feature navigate to the Admin >> My Members >> Smart Lists >> Actions Dropdown.<
  • We released a new version of the Brilliant Directories Zapier App. This new version includes updated labels and descriptions of the fields used in the Zapier app.
  • We added new Advanced Settings that allow an Admin to edit portions of URLs used in the Member Dashboard during the editing of members that were not previously editable.

Enhancements / Fixes:

  • We updated the member import process via CSV and API to automatically remove any white spaces included in the "email" field during import.
  • The page heading for the member Profile Photo and Logo upload page in the Member Dashboard is now based on a unique Text Label.
  • The "Page #" text shown in the <h1> of search results pages when when navigating to page 2, page 3, etc is now a Text Label.
  • We added validation to the 301 Redirects page to prevent redirect rules from being added with a / at the beginning of the URLs entered in the tool.
  • The "Increase Limit" button next to the Member Count on the Admin Dashboard is now compatible with the "Admin Account View" Advanced Setting.
  • The keyword filter on the /categories page on the frontend of sites will now filter Top Level Categories as well.
  • We updated the previews and screenshots for the Homepage Theme options found on the Design Settings page in the Admin to reflect recent updates to the themes.
  • We added the ability to include the names of Service Areas selected by each member when using the "Export Member Data" Add-On to export member information to a CSV file from the Admin.
  • We updated the Froala WYSIWYGs to the latest version.
  • We fixed an issue where clicking on a link in a Froala WYSIWYG in the Admin was opening the link rather than displaying the "Edit Link" context menu in some cases.
  • We updated the Unsubscribe link in emails sent from the system so that the email address of the user who clicked the link is auto-filled into the Unsubscribe Email Form after clicking on the Unsubscribe link.
  • We updated the Froala WYSIWYG in the Admin to add additional table (Content Box Settings, Hide on Mobile, Tablet and Desktop), table cell (Hide on Mobile, Tablet and Desktop) and image (Enlarge On Hover, Shrink on Hover, Hide on Mobile, Table and Desktop) styling options.
  • We fixed an issue with the breadcrumbs for states / provinces on search results pages which was causing the system to return a 404 error page when the URL of the breadcrumb contained a special character in some cases.
  • We fixed an issue which was causing the Member Images page in the Admin to display blank records after importing members via CSV file in some cases.
  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the Menu Manager from recognizing the "Hide Item" checkbox value as a change from the original when trying to customize a Menu in the Admin.
  • We updated the layout of the Contact Information column on the Search Members page in the Admin.
  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Send Now" button on the Send Newsletter page in the Admin from working properly in some cases.
  • The action of saving a Text Label from the frontend is now being logged in the Activity Tracker.
    We also updated the Activity Tracker description message in order to display the previous and new value of the changed item when an Admin updates an Advanced Setting or a Text Label.
  • We updated the "SPAM Checker - Skip These Form Fields" Advanced Setting value in order to include the following variables by default: bd_security,subaction,account_type,formname,form,url_from,g-recaptcha-response,payment_method_id,form_source,httpr,url_origin_pars.
  • We updated the "Select All" functionality on the Manage Leads page in the Admin to make it compatible with sites that have leads from the legacy Leads System.
  • The "Default Member Search URL" General Setting and the "Membership Plan Search Results URL" Membership Plan Setting are now checked against other potential duplicate URLs on the site when they are saved.
  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the Member Dashboard area from loading as expected in some cases.
  • We added the ability to create custom Webhooks for individual Post Type forms and custom forms from the Webhooks page in the Admin.
  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the ImageKit preconnect link from working properly on the frontend of sites in some cases.
  • We fixed an issue with the "Insta-Load Search Results" Add-On which was preventing the system from returning accurate results after conducting a search using the "Predictive Keyword Search" Add-On in some cases.
  • We improved the validation of the "Member Login Session Active Minutes" Advanced Setting to only allow positive integers to be saved.
  • We fixed an issue with the "Insta-Load Search Results" Add-On which was preventing the system from returning accurate results after conducting a search using the "Predictive Keyword Search" Add-On in some cases.
  • We improved the validation of the "Member Login Session Active Minutes" Advanced Setting to only allow positive integers to be saved.
  • We fixed an issue with the "Export Member Data" Add-On which was preventing the system from exporting data from the Transaction History page after performing a search using the "Coupon Code Used" filter field in some cases.
  • Some of the colors set with the site's chosen theme will now be available in the Admin Froala Editor color pickers and Design Setting color pickers.
  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the Help Center module from working properly on the HTACCESS and Robots File pages in the Admin.
  • The member Profile Photo and Logo upload fields, post image file upload fields, and the File Upload Fields in the Form Manager now support the WEBP image file format.
  • We updated the logic of the Member Related Searches widget in order to always display related links for the city, state and country of the member. If the "Localized Search" Advanced Setting is enabled, the system will only display the city and state related links.
  • HTML tags will now be removed automatically from the Subject of any email sent from the Admin.
  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from deleting related unpaid invoices when deleting a subscription from the Admin.
  • We improved the error handing messages that display when a transaction fails while trying to collect on past due invoices from the Admin.
  • We added the aria-label attribute to the elements in all Homepage Recent widgets in order to increase scores in 3rd party tools like GTMetrix and Google Pagespeed.
  • We fixed an issue which was allowing a member to complete the process of claiming a listing using a paid Membership Plan even when the payment process did not complete successfully in some cases.
  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from correctly decoding the URL of certain SEO Templates when saving changes to them in the Admin.
  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the Lead System from respecting the "Maximum Accepted Matches" lead setting when a member accepts a lead in some cases.
  • The system will now properly add width and height attributes to SVG images added as the Website Logo.
  • We implemented a set of security updates to prevent code injections.
  • We reordered some of the resources called in the <head> of the frontend of sites in order to improve scores in 3rd party tools like GTMetrix and Google Pagespeed.
  • We further optimized member search queries performed on the frontend of sites to reduce load times, especially on sites with a large amount of member data.
  • The Lead Prefer Reply Day and Lead Prefer Reply Time widgets fields are now compatible with the "Required Field?" form field setting.
  • In all, over 80 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.

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