New Features:
- We created a new Setting in order to control the list of pages that should be "public" when the Members Only Content Add-On is active on a Site. To use this new feature, navigate to Admin >> Settings >> General Settings under the Members Only setting.
- We added Lazy Load functionality to the Image Manager feature in the Admin. This new feature will help sites to reduce loading time and bandwidth usage for sites with a large number of images uploaded using this feature.
- We added the ability to add Admin notes to each invoice on the Transaction History Page in the Admin Area.
- We updated the list of Google Fonts available in the Design Settings area of the Admin.
- We made an aesthetic update to the Admin Sidebar Menu.
- Now the View Listing and Edit Listing buttons in the Member Account Sidebar are text labels. New Labels: view_listing_label, profile_edit_listing.
- We updated the Transaction History page in the Admin Area to reflect the number of invoices and their total sum for each tab based on the search criteria.
- We added the "Past Due" status to the Account Status dropdown in the Quick Edit page for members in the Admin area. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Member >> Search Members >> Actions >> Quick Edit.
- Now the Preferred Reply day and the Preferred Reply time fields in the Get Matched form can be controlled through the Lead Settings page in the Admin Area. In order to use this new feature navigate to Admin >> Leads >> Leads Settings.
- We added the ability to change the background color of images displayed on the details page of Album posts. In order to use this new feature navigate to Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >>Additional Design Settings.
- We created a new Recent Widget Setting in order to select the preferred sort order for each Recent Widget. In order to use this new feature, navigate to Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >>Homepage Layout >> Homepage Section Order Options.
- The U.S Virgin Islands and British Virgin Islands are now available to select on the Country Settings page in the Admin Area.
- We added the ability to select an "Upgrade Email Template" when a Site Member upgrades his listing. In order to use this new feature navigates to the Admin >> Finance >>Manage Products >> Edit >> General Tab.
- We added Code Difference Checker functionality to custom widgets. This new feature is available as a new Tab in the Edit Widget page if the system recognizes a difference between the code of the Custom WIdget and the corresponding Default Widget.
- The Coming Soon Form is now completely based on Text Labels. New Text Labels: coming_soon_label, is_coming_soon_label, pre_register_label, pre_register_fill_info, pre_register_submit_label.
- We created a new Recent Widget in order to show a site's Sub Level Categories on the homepage. The settings for this widget can be found on the Design Settings page in the Admin area.
- Now the Display Top Level Categories widget is fully based on Text Lables.
- We added support for Special Characters in locations URLs. Now the system will automatically encode/decode the URLs of all location types.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- We updated the UI of viewing a lead as a member so that free leads show the cost as "Free" rather than "$0".
- We updated the Post Settings >> Type of Data field in order to reduce the number of options available there.
- We made an update so that the "Reviews" feature Search Results URL will now be included in sitemap files generated by the Sitemap Generator Add-On.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the Login functionality of the One-Click Social Login Add-On when the Login Form is set to be displayed on the Homepage.
- We fixed an issue that was affecting the Sync Button in the Member Dashboard when the One-Click Social Login Add-On is active.
- We updated the functionality of editing Email Templates so that it is impossible to create 2 custom templates with the same name, which can cause a conflict when the template is referenced by the system.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the H1 and H2 titles to not show on paginated Search Results pages in some cases.
- We updated the Form Manager to automatically hide some fields that don not apply for certain field types when a new field type is selected.
- We added the ability to set a Dropdown field as required in the Form Manager.
- The email templates user-invite-friends and user-invite-friends-reminder have been deprecated.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the 3rd Party Lead Submitted Notifications to not be sent in some cases.
- We updated the display of details pages for album posts so that posts that have just one image in the album will not show a thumbnail of the image below the large version of the image.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the Member Upgrade functionality in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to search by Post Tags in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing members to not be notified via email after receiving a lead when the email subject was too long.
- We fixed an issue with city search results pages that was preventing the correct members from being displayed if the name of the city was the same as the name of a country.
- Now when an Admin deletes a Member, all images associated with the profile and posts will be removed from the site.
- We updated the Error Message in the Member Retrieve Password form if multiple members share the same email.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to add Top Categories with apostrophes in their name.
- We added the Recaptcha Security field to the Password Retrieval Form.
- We added the HTML "lang" attribute to the HTML tag. The "lang" attribute will be based on the language selected on the General Settings page in the Admin Area.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the 2Checkout Payment Gateway to incorrectly display the name of the product being purchased in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing special characters in the name or company name of the member from being URL-encoded properly.
- We made an aesthetic update to the Recent and Featured Member widgets.
- The View Details link (shows the details of the product associated with the invoice) on the Transaction History page in the Admin Area will now only display if there is a product linked to the invoice. Invoices for leads will not display this link as there is no associated product.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from showing the correct image for the Posted by Author Snapshot widget used on Feature Details pages.
- We fixed an issue with the allow_duplicate_member_emails Advanced Setting which was allowing members to signup with the same email account when they should be prevented from doing so in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing Admins from entering Payment Gateway credentials for BluePay if the credentials contained certain characters.
- We released a Security Update that will make sure unsecure default Admin passwords are changed the next time an Admin logs into their account.
- We updated the Froala WYSIWYG for the Blog Article Form in order add the ability to upload images directly through the Froala Editor.
In all, over 80 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.