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Changelog - March 2016

Changelog - March 2016
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 24, 2025


You requested it, we listened. From all the feedback we managed to grab from the last 2 months, we now offer the following amazing changes:

New Features

  • Option for My Websites (Members with Multiple Sites) now shows on the top panel
  • Content Page now offers Adding sidebars (Feature Request)
  • Improvements in the Frontend Main Menu Functionality (Feature Request)
  • Added New Design Settings
  • Option to Hide Header/Footer from Entire Website
  • Choose Font Family for all HTML headers (H1-H6) (Feature Request)
  • Extended the functionality of the Header Search Box to include specific membership features (Feature Request)
  • Added ability to include SEO meta data to company posts for more SEO control (Feature Request)
  • Starting from this update, you can now request for your new sites to be launched with a similar look to any of the sample demo sites you see, and start building your site from there on.
  • Admin Panel is now more mobile friendly (iPhone Friendly), including updating the viewport settings for filling input fields on mobile devices (Feature Request)
  • New Admin Dashboard design with better look and feel (Feature Request)
  • General Settings now offers an improved Social media and Branding tab to easily manage any of your social links and brand images. (Feature Request)
  • Brilliant Directories now offers the following payment gateway integration: PayPal Payments Pro, 2Checkout, PayPal Plus, PayPal Express, Skrill, PayPal Website Payments Pro, PayPal PayFlow & (Feature Request)
  • Brilliant Directories now offers Website Activity in the Top panel which basically replaces the Email History and Email Activity, giving partners a log of all activity on their site including widget editing, member activity and more. This is not activated by default on existing sites since it would remove existing Email History logs. This can be requested via a ticket if you want to take advantage of it. (Feature Request)Brilliant Directories not offers a Mobile App. You can find more information by going to the Mobile App Site (Feature Request)
  • New Email Compose Module that makes it easier to use the emailing system.(Feature Request)
  • You can now search on the Widget Manager not only by Widget Names but also by it's content. So you can now search by specific variables used in different widgets, widget names (parents) used on other widgets (widgets that depend on it), variable names, functions, labels and any line of code you would want to search for. (Deep Keyword Search for Widgets)
  • Text Labels are now highlighted when using the See widgets option in the Frontend Admin Sidebar
  • Added option when editing a widget at the bottom to be able to copy the Widget calling format (eg: [widget=widgetName]) so it is easier than ever to call the widget with the correct code. This also includes the PHP way of calling the widget.

Enhancements / Fixes

  • Full Optimizations to the code Infrastructure with enhancements in all modules of the system
  • More than 300+ bugs fixed ranging from Backend, Admin Panel, Frontend and more.
  • Enhancements to over a dozen modules of the system that will impact partners in amazing ways, from making the system more intuitive to making some tasks easier and faster to perform.

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