New Features:
- We created a new Advanced Setting called "Years Field Type - Ending Year". This setting allows the Admin of a site to specify the year that the "years" field type in the the Form Manager should end with.
- We created a new Design Setting for the Featured Blog Article Slider widget called "Use Thumbnail on Mobile". This setting adds the ability to select the quality of the images used in the homepage for the Blog Article Slider homepage widget. To use this new setting, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage tab >> Select Content to Display.
- We added a new field called "Member Type" to the Search Members page in the Admin. This field allows an Admin tp search members by type of listing (Company or Individual).
- We released a new version of the Brilliant Directories App in Zapier. This version includes the ability to create, update, and delete Member Reviews from a Brilliant Directories website and some additional minor fixes.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- We fixed an issue which was preventing Admins from activating pending sites from the Website Dashboard when the "Admin Account View" Advanced Setting is set to "general" in some cases.
- We updated the Member Export Data Add-On in order to include the "lead_id" of each lead in the exported CSV file.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from rendering the Website Name in the Compose Email modal in the Admin when the Website Name contained an apostrophe in some cases.
- We updated Reviews Search Results pages to support filtering the results by using the "userid" parameter in the URL. This will only show reviews for the member whose ID is referenced in the parameter. For example, this would show reviews for the member with the ID 123:
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from loading the content of a form field in the Member Dashboard when the form field data contains a percentage symbol "%" in some cases.
- We added the ability to save price "Price" and "Year Built" form fields as blank when creating or editing Posts from the Member Dashboard.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the "post_promo" field from being imported when importing Posts via CSV file through the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Yes/No form field label from being transcoded to the proper text label in the Admin in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to collect past due payments from the Transaction History page in the Admin in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Events RSS Feed from displaying the most recent events when the RSS Feed for Post Add-On is active in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Banner - 728_15" widget from adding the proper padding underneath the widget when displayed on the frontend in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to display the Form Preview from the Admin area when the Stock Photo Library Add-On is active in some cases.
- The "Back To Dashboard" Text when visiting the Chat Message page in the Member Dashboard is now a Text Label.
- We are now including the "subscription_created_date" variable in the export file when exporting member data from the Transaction History page in the Admin.
- The actions of "Invite an Admin Via Email", "Accept Admin Invitation", and "Remove Admin From Website" are now being logged in the Activity Tracker.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Display Expired Post in Search Results" setting from working properly when visiting Events search results pages in some cases.
- We updated the Froala WYSIWYG to the latest version available.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Webhook Schedule functionality from working properly in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Search Members page in the Admin from returning accurate results when using the "Forms Not Submitted" filter dropdown.
- The Cleanup Tools in the Admin Dashboard is now compatible with the "Admin Account View" Advanced Setting.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the "+" symbol in phone numbers when using the Click-To-Call Add-On.
- We improved the form validation when saving the Member Quick Edit form on the Search Members page in the Admin.
- We updated the Froala WYSIWYG in the Admin to add additional table (Grid on Mobile) styling options.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Overview tab from displaying on member profile pages when the "Profile Page Tab Title" setting for the "Member Listings" Post Type was empty.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing leads purchased from the Member Dashboard from being logged in the Activity Tracker when the One-Time Purchase Webhook was active in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the correct thumbnail image for Youtube videos on the homepage in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the "View Setting" link next to the "Require Complete Profiles" setting on the General Settings page in the Admin from working properly in some cases.
- We updated the schema markup for comments displayed on post details pages to use the new "DiscussionForumPosting" schema recommended by Google for this type of content.
We added the ability to notify members via email when an Admin refunds a payment from the Transaction History page in the Admin.
The action of deleting a Member Review from the Admin is now being logged in the Activity Tracker.
We fixed an issue which was preventing the member upgrade email template from displaying the correct upgraded membership plan name in some cases.
We fixed an issue which was preventing the Featured Blog Article Slider widget from rendering the blog post images when the Enable Lazy Load Images is disabled.
We updated the Name / Keyword field on the Search Members page in the Admin in order to add the ability to search by member token as well.
We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to customize the Photo Profile & Logo Form on the Form Manager page in the Admin.
We updated the create and update actions for members in Zapier in order to include the "Services" field.
We updated the member search modules on the frontend of sites that use Member Category dropdown fields to always show the placeholder text in sub and sub-sub category fields after the parent top or sub category has been selected.
We also deprecated "Recommend Sub-Level" Advanced Setting as part of this update. -
We fixed an issue which was preventing the URL Permalink column from showing the correct search results URL on the Edit Post Settings page in the Admin in some rare cases.
We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Random Order" option in the the "Order Results By" Post Type Setting from working properly when the "Respect Membership Plan 'Search Priority'" setting was not active in some cases.
We fixed an issue with the TikTok Website Footer icon link which was causing the system to display a member's TikTok link instead of the Website's Tiktok link on Post Details pages in some cases.
We updated the logic of the "Profile Page Tab Order" Post Type Setting in order include a "Hide on Profile Pages" option. Selecting this option will hide these posts from displaying on all member profile pages.
We fixed an issue with the Members API which was causing the system to add the whole member address in the "address1" filed when creating members.
We fixed an issue with the Recurring Events sort order logic which was preventing the system from respecting the "Respect Membership Plan 'Search Priority'" Post Type Setting when the "Pin Featured Post" Add-On was not active on the site.
We fixed an issue which was preventing the Froala WYSIWYG Image Caption feature from working properly for images inside a table element in some cases.
We fixed an issue which was preventing the Transaction Smart List "export" action from working properly in some cases.
We fixed an issue which was preventing custom variables from being sent to the Webhook Endpoint after submitting the "Listing - Contact Details - Member" form from the Member Dashboard.
We fixed some minor display issues when using the "One-Click Google Login" Add-On button on the frontend.
We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Include Service Areas" checkbox from working properly after performing a location search from the Search Members page in the Admin in some cases.
In all, over 70 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.