New Features:
- We updated the Featured Blog Article Slider Add-On in order to make it compatible with both Single and Multi-Photo Post Types. We also added logic to the Add-On to hide the featured blog article slider on the homepage if it has no content to display.
- We updated the paid signup logic in order to respect the "After Sign Up, Set Account Status As" Membership Plan setting value. We also added a new setting, "After Upgrading to This Plan, Set Account Status As". This setting allows an Admin to select the status of a member after they upgrade to a Membership Plan. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Finance >> Membership Plans >> General Tab.
- We added the ability to edit a member's billing subscription from the Admin. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Members >> Search Members >> Actions >> Account Details >> Subscription Tab.
- We created a new widget called "Bootstrap Theme - Display - Related Posts by Category". This widget can be placed in the sidebar of Post Details Pages in order to display other posts related to the one currently being viewed.
- We added the ability to move the ownership of Posts on the Manage Post page in the Admin.
- We updated the Hero Section for Static Pages in order to add action button links. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Content >> Edit Web Pages >> Edit >> Hero Section settings.
- We added the ability to search by the "Forms Submitted" and "Forms Not Submitted" by a member on the Search Members page in the Admin.
- We updated the Billing History page in the Member Dashboard area in order to make it fully compatible with Text Labels.
- We added the "Copy to Clipboard" feature for Forms on the Form Manager page in the Admin. Using this feature will copy the shortcode of the form to the devices clipboard so it can be easily added to a page or widget.
- We updated the Digital Product Add-On and "Purchase Lead" workflows in order to make all visible text use text labels.
- We added the ability to filter post search results by adding the userid URL parameter (EG: userid=xxx) on Post Search Results pages. Adding a "userid" value in this way will only show posts made by the member whose ID matches the specified "userid".
- We updated the Newsletter Signup form layout in order to make it appear in a modal instead of directly on the page. We also implemented a security update to the same form by adding Recaptcha Validation, Spam Form Protector, and honeypot field protections.
- We added the "Replace Image" option to the Froala WYSIWYG in the Admin.
- We added the ability to filter "sub-accounts" on member search results pages by adding the "parentid" (parentid=xxx) URL parameter on Member Search Results pages. Adding this URL parameter will cause the results to display the member whose ID matches the specified "parentid" and all of that member's Sub Accounts.
- We updated the Software Updates module in the Dashboard page in the Admin to show a description for each available update.
- We moved the Streaming Widget color settings to the "Homepage Search Settings" section on the Homepage Layout tab on the Design Settings page in the Admin. We also added the new "View All Button Style" setting, "Image Aspect Ratio", and "Image Format" settings to add more control over the layout of the Streaming Widgets content on the homepage of sites.
- We updated the Froala WYSIWYG in the Admin and Front-End to add image style options to the editor's menu. Available styles include: square, rounded, circle.
- We updated the "Write a Review" form in order to pre-fill the name and email address fields when viewing the form as a logged-in member.
- We added two new Design Settings called "Overlay Visibility" and "Overlay Color". These settings will help Admins to set an overlay color and opacity for the homepage hero image. In order to use these new settings, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage Layout tab >> Homepage Search Settings.
- We created a new advanced setting called disable_self_leads. Setting this to 1 will prevent members from sending leads to themselves.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- We updated the Event Sidebar Search widget in order to support cloned Post Types.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the 1 - 5 rating stars to print in reverse order in a legacy version of the Member Reviews module.
- We fixed an issue with the Streaming Digital Product widget which was preventing the system from displaying images for Digital Products when the "Limit One Post Per Member" option is set to "Yes".
- We fixed an issue which was preventing Admin Account passwords from being reset when a site's domain is not set up properly.
- We added the "Clear Formatting" option to the Froala WYSIWYG in the Admin.
- We added new classes to all HTML elements printed on the Overview Tab of Member Profile pages. This will help to apply different layouts and have better control over every element printed on the page.
- We updated the title of Reviews to display a maximum of 50 characters in the Streaming Reviews homepage widget.
- We updated the Member Category Sort Order field on the Member Categories page in the Admin to only accept numerical values.
- We updated the Categories field in the Leads Form order to make it compatible with the "Front-End Display" Member Category setting.
- We fixed an issue which was causing table head titles to not align with the correct columns on the Transaction History page in the Admin in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to display the Google Search Assist Add-On on sites where access to the Add-On was grandfathered in rather than granted explicitly.
- We updated the "Restore Default Code" feature on the Edit Post Settings page to use the term "Post Type" instead of "Feature".
- We updated the View Post page in the Member Dashboard area in order to display the Bookmark Counter for each post.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display duplicate invoices without invoice line items on the Transaction History page in the Admin in some cases.
- We updated the Lead Form submission logic in order to improve the back-end validation and add further protection against spam lead submissions.
- The Website Conflicts link in the Admin Header Menu is now fully compatible with the Admin Permission module.
- We removed the "1." number which was displaying on member signup pages when the One-Click Social Login Add-On is active and moved it to an existing Text Label where can be easily edited.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying member categories properly in the "Website - Lead Form - Get Matched" widget when the "Front-End Display" setting for member categories was set to "ID ASC".
- We updated the Custom "CSS / HEAD" tab of the Design Settings page to add code highlighting to the content added to the fields.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Live Design Tool link on the Design Settings page in the Admin to redirect to an incorrectly formatted URL in some cases.
- We fixed an issue that was preventing sites from saving a "Website Name" that contained apostrophes on the General Settings page in the Admin for sites running PHP 7.
- We fixed an issue with the Pay Per Post Add-On which was causing the system to require a member to pay for a post when editing an existing Multi-Photo Post when the "Max. Free Post" setting for the Membership Plan had been reached.
- We created a new Advanced Setting called allowed_tags. This new setting allows a site owner to designate the HTML tags that members are allowed to use in the "About" section of their profile and the "Description" field for posts.
- We added a title attribute to the location icon which displays in all location search fields when the Detect Visitor Location Add-On is active on a site.
- We added description text to the Company field in the default "Member - Sign Up - Paid" form.
- We updated the Membership Information section on the Overview tab of the Member Account Details page in the Admin in order to make the Membership Plan name a clickable link.
- We removed the Page Title (H1) and Sub Title (H2) fields from the "Homepage" web page and replace it with a message that these fields can be edited from the Design Settings page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was adding a "/" backslash when using an apostrophe in all lead form fields when submitting the form.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Request Reviews link in the Member Dashboard area to redirect to an incorrectly formatted URL in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was overwriting the H1 element specified in the SEO Template of member search results pages in some cases.
- We updated the Froala WYSIWYG in the Admin in order to allow all HTML element attributes.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the keyword filter on the Edit Membership Plan page in the Admin from returning matching fields on the Additional Settings tab.
- We updated the logic when deleting a Static Web page to also delete any information related to the page in the users_meta table.
- We updated the homepage section dropdown options and removed the "(required add-on)" text on the Design Settings page in the Admin, now if an option relays in an Add-On and the Add-On is not active the option will not be displayed.
- We removed the Member CV / Upload Brochure form field type as an option to select for forms that are not compatible with the field type on the Manage Forms page in the Admin.
- We refactored the Autosuggest Settings in the Admin in order to support custom Post Types.
- We updated the "Connecting Error Message" when a site is not available to a more informative message.
- We updated the "Member Profile Header" section on the Member Profile pages to make it fully compatible with text labels.
- We updated the "My Account" menu that display for members when logged in to display the member's photo, if one exists, instead of a generic icon on mobile devices.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing members from upgrading successfully in some cases.
- We added a link to a free online image cropping tool on the Design Settings page >> Homepage Slideshow tab in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing Additional Settings button to overlapping with the Categories field on Edit Post Settings page in the Admin when using mobile devices.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the keyword filter on the /categories page of sites from working properly in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to add an extra comma "," when displaying the selections of a Checkbox field on profile pages.
- We updated the "MySQL Database" link in the Admin in order to make it fully compatible with Admin Roles.
- We implemented a set of improvements to the Billing Reminder Emails Add-On.
- We updated the Froala WYSIWYG when composing emails to remove the Style option for links as it does not function properly in the context of emails.
- We fixed an issue which was causing Recurring Events to not take in consideration the event's start time when sorting the events on the search results page.
- We fixed an issue that was preventing the error_404 Advanced Setting from working properly when the preferred_domain Advanced Setting was set to "non-www" in some cases.
- We removed the ability to delete and clone SEO Templates on the SEO Templates page in the Admin.
- The Refresh Cache link in the top right corner of the Admin is now fully compatible with Admin Roles. Furthermore, we moved the Refresh Cache menu item from the "Developers" Admin menu group to the "Dashboard" Group.
- We updated the Add-Ons validation logic in order to use the latest method for some older Add-Ons that were using a previous validation method.
- We updated the Member Signup Form in order to better support custom fields.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to send the incorrect upgrade email when a member upgrades their Membership Plan in some cases.
- We fixed an issue that was preventing the system from storing a member's credit card information when signing up for a paid Membership Plan with a 100% coupon code in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to enable/disable forms on the Form Manager page in the Admin.
- We updated the Activity Tracker logic in order to log the Membership Plan Name and ID when a new member signs up on a site.
- We added the ability to hide individual member search results sort options if the corresponding text label for the option is empty.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Live Design Tool to redirect to the homepage after clicking the "Close" button.
- The About Website and Join Offer fields on the Design Settings page now use the Froala WYSIWYG.
- We fixed issue which was causing the Recent Events widget to update the search results pagination when the widget has been added to a custom member search results page.
- We updated the Events Search Results logic in order to prevent event posts that do not have a start date specified from displaying in search results.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display an error message when a member signs up and the allow_duplicate_member_emails Advanced Setting is set to 1.
- We updated the search results pagination in order to display five elements and keep it in one single line on mobile devices.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to process PayPal transactions in some cases.
- In all, over 110 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.