This article discusses the different email templates used when the Billing Reminder Emails Add-On is active on a site. For more information about other aspects of this add-on, please see the following:
Each email event uses a different email template. These templates can be edited by clicking on "Edit Template" on the right side of the Billing Reminder Email Settings page in the Admin:
After clicking on one of the Email Templates, a new browser tab will open with the selected email template displayed. In order to edit the template please click on Actions >> Customize:
New Payments Received
This Billing Event uses the email template invoice_payment_received, which will notify the member immediately once the payment goes through.
1. The wording can be modified using the built-in editor.
2. On the right side, the Invoice Variables will be available to all emails in the Billing Category. Please find a description of the available invoice variables at the bottom of this article.
Upcoming Payment Reminder
This Billing Event uses the email template invoice_reminder_notice_first, which will notify the members before their upcoming payment is due.
To send this template with the email information already filled in, we need to click on send email from the invoice.
If the admin wants to get the email, there is a CC option.
Past Due Reminder #1
This Billing Event uses the email template invoice_overdue_notice_first, which will send the first email reminder that the customer has a pending payment.
Past Due Reminder #2
This Billing Event uses the email template invoice_overdue_notice_second, which will send a second reminder to the customer letting them know that they have a pending payment.
Past Due Reminder #3
This Billing Event uses the email template invoice_overdue_notice_third, which will remind the member for the third and final time about their pending payment.
Invoice Variables
The admin has the ability to customize all of these email templates to make it more personalized or fit better with their business model. When the email is customized there will be additional Email Variables called Invoice Variables that are available to use for billing related emails.
NOTE: The Invoice Variables will not function with email templates other than the default email templates used for this Add-On.
%invoice_id% - this will display the invoice ID number.
%invoice_product_name% - this will display the name of the product that was purchased.
%invoice_due_date% - this variable will display the due date of the invoice.
%invoice_date_paid% - this will show the member's date when they paid an invoice.
%invoice_status% - this will display the status of the invoice (paid, past due, on hold, canceled).
%invoice_billing_cycle% -this will display how often they will be invoiced.
%invoice_promo_desc% -this will display the promo discount used in the invoice.
%invoice_total% - this will display the total of the invoice.
%invoice_pdf_link% - this will display the link to the PDF invoice.