In this article, we will be going over the different API endpoints that can be used with the BD API.
The REST API system of the site allows developers to read, create, update and delete data from the website’s database using HTTP requests.
All HTTP requests are secured with an encrypted API Key, which must be sent in the X-Api-Key header. In addition, every request must be made with the corresponding HTTP request method specified below (GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE). If a request is sent using an HTTP request method that is not allowed for a given API endpoint, a 405 error (Invalid Request Method) will be returned. Please see the sections below for more details on these requirements.
The currently available API endpoints are:
API Endpoints
Create, read, update, and delete users from the database
- /api/v2/user/get/{user_id}
- /api/v2/user/create
- /api/v2/user/update
- /api/v2/user/delete
- /api/v2/user/search
- /api/v2/user/transactions
Create, read, update, match, and delete leads from the database
Single Image Posts
Create, read, update, and delete single image posts from the database
- /api/v2/data_posts/get/{post_id}
- /api/v2/data_posts/create
- /api/v2/data_posts/update
- /api/v2/data_posts/delete
Multi Image Posts
Create, read, update, and delete multi image posts from the database
- /api/v2/users_portfolio_groups/get/{group_id}
- /api/v2/users_portfolio_groups/create
- /api/v2/users_portfolio_groups/update
- /api/v2/users_portfolio_groups/delete
Users Reviews
Create, read, update, and delete users reviews
- /api/v2/users_reviews/get/{review_id}
- /api/v2/users_reviews/create
- /api/v2/users_reviews/update
- /api/v2/users_reviews/delete
Post Types
Create, read, update, and delete post types from the database
- /api/v2/data_categories/get/{data_id}
- /api/v2/data_categories/create
- /api/v2/data_categories/custom_fields
- /api/v2/data_categories/update
- /api/v2/data_categories/delete
API Endpoints details
HTTP request method: GET
This endpoint accepts GET requests to read the data stored in the site’s database related to a single user.
The {user_id} is the user_id value stored in the users_data table in the site’s database. Data related to the specified user will be returned in JSON format.
Example cURL request to this endpoint:
HTTP request method: POST
This endpoint accepts POST requests to add a new user to the site’s database.
The Content-Type of all requests to this endpoint must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded. This endpoint will accept data for any column found in the users_data table, as well as data for columns that do not exist in that table. Any data sent for columns that do not exist will be stored in the users_meta table. Three pieces of data are required for a successful request: email, password, and subscription_id.
Example cURL request to this endpoint:
HTTP request method: DELETE
This endpoint accepts DELETE requests to delete a user and their related data from the site’s database.
The Content-Type of all requests to this endpoint must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded. To successfully process a DELETE request, the user_id and delete_images variables must be specified. The user_id value for the member is found in the users_data table of the website. If the value of delete_images is set to 1, the image files related to the member will also be deleted from the site. If the value of delete_images is anything other than 1, the member’s related image files will not be deleted.
Example cURL request to this endpoint:
HTTP request method: POST
This endpoint accepts POST requests to do a search for members with the same search criteria as if doing a search from the homepage. The results can be multiple members.
Example cURL request to this endpoint:
HTTP request method: POST
This endpoint accepts POST requests to do a search for all transactions from one member. The results can be multiple transactions in a JSON array.
Example cURL request to this endpoint:
Response Messages
Each request returns a JSON string with the response along with one of several response codes.
Example response:
The key “status” can have one of 2 values: error, or success. The value of the “message” when the status is “error” will explain the reason for the error.
When the “status” is “success”, the “message” will either contain an object for requests to the /api/v2/get/{user_id} endpoint, or more details about the successful request for other endpoints.
Some examples regarding this can be found down below.
Error Response:
Success Response:
Response Codes
Here is the list of HTTP response codes that may be returned for requests.
More examples and test cases can be found in the API Testing Page: