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05/15/20 - Software Updates

05/15/20 - Software Updates
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Written by Chan Nier
Updated on February 21, 2025


We made updates to several Default Widgets this week. If you have customized any of these widgets and would like to update your customized widget, you can find the latest code in the corresponding Default Widget. Please remember that if you have a custom version of any of these widgets, our latest updates have not been pushed to your website.

  • We updated the Stripe payment workflow in the Member Dashboard in order to first ensure a member has a credit card on file before creating a payment intent. This will help prevent uncaptured payments and reduce the overall number of Stripe API calls required for each transaction.  We also improved the credit card validation when a member enters a new credit card.
    Widget Involved:
    Bootstrap Theme - Account - Leads Details Page - Purchase Button
  • We released an update to reduce the number of open connections from the frontend of sites to the Admin servers.
  • We updated the /categories page on the frontend of sites to make the order of categories follow the "Front-End Display Order" setting found on the Member Categories page in the Admin.
    Widget Involved:
    Bootstrap Theme - Category Groups - Member Categories
  • We improved the logic of the Private Member Chat Add-On in order to update the chat messages in real time as messages are sent without needing to refresh the page.
  • We removed the "My Favorites" Post Type from the Edit Post Settings page in the Admin as there were not any settings to update on this page, making it redundant. The "Bookmark My Favorites" icon can be updated from the Design Settings page and the name of the Post Type is now a Text Label.
    Widget Involved:
    Bootstrap Theme - Account - Sidebar
    Text Label Involved:
  • We added a keyword filter for the Membership Plan selection area when editing a Coupon Code in the Admin.
  • We updated the Sub-Accounts form to make it fully compatible with Text Labels.
    Widget Involved:
    Bootstrap Theme - Account - Sub Accounts Password Field
    Form Involved:
  • We added support for WEBP image type when uploading images through Froala WYSIWYGs on the frontend of sites.
    Widgets Involved:
    Bootstrap Theme - Form - Froala Editor Actions
    Form - Froala Editor Javascript
  • We created a new Membership Plan setting called "Show Breadcrumbs". This setting will allow Admins to choose whether or not the the breadcrumbs will display on member profile pages (including the profile "review" and "send a message" pages). In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Finance >> Membership Plans >> Edit >> Additional Settings tab.  
    Widget Involved:
    Bootstrap Theme Framework
  • We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to upload images using the Froala WYSIWYG on the frontend of sites in some cases.
    Widgets Involved:
    Bootstrap Theme - Form - Froala Editor Actions
  • We created a new Design Setting called "Profile Full Width Header". This setting allows Admins to display the header on profile pages as full width (the sidebar will display below the header instead of next to it). In order to use this new setting, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Design Settings tab >> Additional Design Settings. 
    Widgets Involved:
    Bootstrap Theme - Member Profile
    Bootstrap Theme - Member Profile - Member Tabs lazyLoad
  • We updated the label of the "Streaming Widget Color" design setting fields on the Homepage Search Settings section to "Streaming Hover BG" and "Streaming Hover Text".
  • We updated the URL error messages on Categories, Edit Post Settings, Edit Web page, and Membership Plan pages in order to communicate more information about how to fix the error.
  • We fixed an issue which was affecting the Member Export Data Add-On, causing the system to omit some members in the export file in some cases.
  • We fixed an issue with the Member Export Data Add-On which was preventing all of the custom member fields from being exported in some cases.
  • We added a new Admin Role Permission to "Edit Default Widgets".  Enabling this permission will allow an Admin to edit default widgets in addition to creating new custom widgets.
  • We updated the design of the Admin Dashboard page.

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