We made updates to several Default Widgets this week. If you have customized any of these widgets and would like to update your customized widget, you can find the latest code in the corresponding Default Widget. Please remember that if you have a custom version of any of these widgets, our latest updates have not been pushed to your website.
- We updated the member sidebar menu in the Member Dashboard to hide the member profile image when the member's Membership Plan settings do not allow them to upload a profile photo nor logo..
Widget Involved:
Bootstrap Theme - Account - Sidebar - We updated the banner ad widgets to include a default "alt" attribute when using an image as the banner ad.
Widgets Involved:
Bootstrap Theme - Banner - 320_50
Bootstrap Theme - Banner - 728_15
Bootstrap Theme - Banner - 970_90
Bootstrap Theme - Banner - Header - 970_90
Bootstrap Theme - Banner - Photo Albums Ad
Bootstrap Theme - Banner - Responsive Size
Bootstrap Theme - Banner - Responsive Size 2
Bootstrap Theme - Banner - Responsive Size 3
Bootstrap Theme - Banner - Responsive Size 4
Bootstrap Theme - Banner - Responsive Size 5 - We fixed an issue which was preventing the Member Profile Analytics Add-On from counting mouse wheel / middle mouse button clicks in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Lead System from respecting the "Make Category Fields Required?" setting in some cases.
Widget Involved:
Bootstrap - Contact Member Category Dropdowns - We fixed an issue with the Automatic Lead Matching Add-On which was preventing the system from automatically matching leads to members when the "Max. Sub-Level Categories Members Can Select" Membership Plan setting was set to "All" in some cases.
Widget Involved:
Search - Member - Search Query - We updated the message displayed to members after signup to be based on the "After Sign Up, Set Account Status As" Membership Plan setting. Members will now see a different message depending on whether or not they need to confirm their email address after signup.
Widgets Involved:
Bootstrap Theme - Success Page - Free Member Sign Up
Bootstrap Theme - Success Page - Paid Member Sign Up - We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to display the Google reCaptcha Checkbox on the "Listing - Password Retrieval" form in some cases.
- We implemented a set of improvements to the Google reCaptcha Checkbox Form Field Type on the frontend of sites.
Widget Involved:
Bootstrap Theme - Function - Form - We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from saving Membership Plan settings in the Admin in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Manage Posts page in the Admin to display a "NaN" text instead of the number of results when first loading of the page in some cases.
- We created a new Advanced Setting called "Complete Profile Fields". This is a comma-separated list of the Member Profile Fields that must be filled in by a member for their profile to be considered complete, when the "Require Complete Profiles" setting is enabled.
Widget Involved:
Search - Member - Search Query - We updated the Subscription tab on the Member Details page in the Admin to display the coupon code used by the member when they signed up (if applicable).
- We fixed an issue with the Admin Activity Tracking Add-On which was causing the system to display activity unrelated to the member when viewing the Activity tab on the Member Details page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from deleting Post Types when a Post Type's name included an apostrophe.
- We fixed an issue which which was preventing the system from delete members using the "Bulk" action in the Admin in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Members-Only Access" setting from saving properly on the Post Types page in the Admin.
- We updated the description of the "Claim Listing Web Link" Membership Plan setting in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying member results when using the Location and Categories search criteria together on the Search Members page in the Admin.